Where I work

Pictures from my photo gallery.

My office, from the outside

My office building. Well it's not my building of course, but you know what I mean. I can't (or won't) explain where the eerie green light comes from, but it helps to pinpoint the location of my office.

Well, almost. From late December, 2005 my office is a bit bigger than shown in these pictures. I'll post some pictures when the dust has settled.

My office, from the inside

My old office seen from the inside, with me in it. Also present are my books, my plants, and my clutter. Through the window you can see "Nidarosdomen" (the cathedral), and the small island Munkholmen, which at one time housed a monastery, and at other times, at least one famous prisoner.

Almost the view from my office

This is almost the view from my office. But only almost, for the windows in my office don't open far enough for me to get a good picture of the view. This one is from the commons room, one floor higher than my office. The two closest spires are part of the original main building of NTH (the Norwegian Institute of Technology, as it was once called). The seemingly enclosed body of water is Nidelven, the river giving rise to the old name of Trondheim, namely Nidaros (the mouth of the river Nid). The much bigger body of water behind it is of course just a small piece of the Trondheim fjord.

Below is the same view at sunset, near midsummer.

Sunset at my office

Harald Hanche-Olsen
1999-11-27 01:20:25 UTC