NTNU IME Matematikk

Helge Holden
Professor of mathematics at
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Member of the Board of NTNU from Aug 1, 2009 to July 31, 2017
Secretary of the International Mathematical Union from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018
Principal Investigator on Research Excellence Program ("Toppforsk") Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena (WaNP)
A conference at NTNU on the occassion of my 60th birthday: Non-linear PDEs, mathematical physics, and stochastic analysis

Contact information Postal address: Postadresse:
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
Alfred Getz vei 1
NO-7491 Trondheim
Institutt for matematiske fag
Alfred Getz vei 1
7491 Trondheim

Visiting address/besøksadresse: Room 1156, Sentralbygg 2, Alfred Getz vei 1 [Video from the campus ]

Phone: +47-73593514 (office)
+47-73593520 (dept)
+47-92038625 (mobile phone)
+47-73922283 (home)
Fax: +47-73593524
Note: Our email system does not accept .zip files. If you want to send me a .zip file, please notify me by email, and I will give you the necessary instructions.

Home address:Jan Voigts vei 27 (aka Karisvingen 14c), NO-7040 Trondheim

  Project and Master thesis proposals.
Våren 2017: Fag TMA4170 Fourier analyse.
Våren 2016: Fag MA8103 Nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.
Høsten 2015: Fag TMA4135 Matematikk 4D.
Våren 2015: MA8105 Distribution theory og Sobolev spaces with applications.
Høsten 2014: Fag TMA4135 Matematikk 4D.
Våren 2014: Fag MA8103 Nonlinear partial differential equations.
Høsten 2013: TMA4305 Partielle differensialligninger.
Våren 2013: MA8105 Distribution theory og Sobolev spaces with applications
Høsten 2012: TMA4305 Partielle differensialligninger.
Våren 2012: Fag MA8103 Nonlinear partial differential equations.
Høsten 2011: TMA4305 Partielle differensialligninger.
Våren 2011: MA8105 Distribution theory og Sobolev spaces with applications
Høsten 2010: TMA4305 Partielle differensialligninger.
Våren 2010: Fag MA8103 Nonlinear partial differential equations.
Høsten 2009: Fag TMA4170 Fourieranalyse.
Våren 2008: Fag MA8103 Ikke-lineære partielle differensialligninger (tidl. DIF5908).
Høsten 2007: Fag TMA4170 Fourieranalyse.

  DIFTA-seminaret (DIFferensialligninger i Teori og Anvendelser)

Research interests
  • Differential equations, mathematical physics; in particular hyperbolic conservation laws and completely integrable systems.
  • Stochastic analysis,
  • Flow in porous media.

Curriculum Vitae
  CV, List of publications, books.

  • Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
  • Transactions of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
    ("Skrifter fra det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab"). The
  • journal covers all sciences. The first issue appeared in 1761, and it
    is one of the oldest journals in the world. Papers in mathematics and
    physics can be submitted directly to me.
  • Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology (SUMAT)
  • International Journal of Differential Equations
  • Journal of Mathematics in Industry
  • Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
  • Advances in Computational Mathematics

  • Miscellaneous
      Some helpful links:

    Sist oppdatert: 2010-09-13 16:10