library(MASS) ## Programme to simulate from a mixture of two Gaussians # Define the density for the two-component normal mixture mix <- function(x, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, p){ return(p*dnorm(x, mean=m1, sd=sd1) + (1-p)*dnorm(x, mean=m2, sd=sd2)) } # set the parameters p = 0.6 m1 = 0 m2 = 4 sd1=1 sd2=2 # plot the density curve(mix(x, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, p), from=-5, 10) n = 10000 # number of samples u = runif(n) mix.comp = as.numeric(u < p) numComp1 = sum(mix.comp) numComp2 = n - numComp1 sim2 <- c(rnorm(numComp1, mean=m1, sd=sd1), rnorm(numComp2, mean=m2, sd=sd2)) truehist(sim2, col="white") curve(mix(x, m1, m2, sd1, sd2, p), from=-5, 10, add=T)