
Experimental design and applied statistical methods
Våren 2007

Go to Norwegian website for TMA 4255.


TMA 4255   -  23May 2007  - final grades





































Ås/Trondheim, 6 June 2007


Sensors:           Are Halvor Aastveit, UMB, Ås.

Bo Lindqvist, NTNU


24.05.07 Exam May 23 2007 is found in Norwegian here and in English here. Solution is  given here.

08.05.07 Final curriculum (pensum) is found here.

02.05.07 Some examples of approximations to expected values and variances can be downloaded here.

26.04.07 The last topic of the course is taught today (see ”Progresst” below). There are three more lectures, where I will go through earlier exams (see “Progress”) with the aim of covering  the most important topics of the course. 

14.03.07 No lectures on Thursday March 22.

19.02.07 The text for the obligatory project is found here OBLTMA4255 (in Norwegian only, unfortunately) Here you will also find examples of earlier experiments used in this subject. Some US examples on performed experiments are found here. (Note that not all of them may not be equally well suited….)

13.02.07 Some of you have asked for theoretical exercises. There are few in the book, but here are some from another book.

31.01.07 In the lecture yesterday it was determined that the lecture times  Friday 8-10 are changed into THURSDAYS 14.15 – 16.00 in F2, starting tomorrow February 1. At the same time we change the exercise time from Thursdays 14-16 to Fridays 8-10, starting February 2 (see announcement to come on the exercise website).

26.01.07 We have discussed the lecture times. It turns out that Friday 8-10 is a problem. We will discuss this on Tuesday 30. January. You may also send me emails listing the times when it is OK for you to have lectures.

25.01.07 Starting today, the lectures will be given in English.

15.01.07 The exercises next week will be Tuesday 23. January  14.15 – 16 (see Øvingssiden), while lectures will be Thursday 25. January, 14.15 – 16.00 in F2.

About the course

The course is intended for students who want to increase their knowledge in statistics beyond the basic course TMA4240/45. Central topics are how to plan and perform an experiment in order to collect high quality data and how to analysis these data such that information as a basis for conclusions can be achieved. The content is: Experimental design methodology, 2k-designs and fractions thereof, Graphical techniques, Approximation of expectation and variance, Testing of hypothesis, Simple and multippel linear regression, Residual analysis and variable selection, Transformations, Analysis of variance, Process control, Contingency tables and Non-parametric statistics. All methods that are in extensive use in industry and technology in order to improve quality and productivity. Analysing the data will be done mainly by use of a statistical software called MINITAB. Necessary background for the course is TMA4240/TMA4245 Statistcs or similar background. The course puts less emphasize on theory than TMA4260 Industrial statistics.

  • Credit: 7.5 stp.
  • Duration: 1 semester (spring)
  • Lecturing: 4 hours a week
  • Exercises: 2 hours a week
  • Special activity: A compulsary project counts 20 % for the exam.
  • Exam: Written, 4 hours.



Professor Bo Lindqvist, Rom 1129, Sentralbygg II, NTNU Gløshaugen
Telefon: 73 59 35 32
Treffetid: Bestemmes senere.


Teaching assistant

Stipendiat Anastasia Ushakova, Rom 1126, Sentralbygg II.

Telefon: 73 59 16 71

Treffetid: Bestemmes senere.


Reference group

Harald Kjølner, Indøk (

Teaching material

Teaching material: Walpole, Myers og Myers (1998/2002): "Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists". Sixth/Seventh edition. Prentice Hall.

Handed out copy: Høyland, A (1988): Sannsynlighetsregning, Tapir. Kap. 5.2.8 Approksimasjon av forventning og varians til funksjoner av stokastiske variabler. The same material is given in Navidi, W.: Statistics for engineers and scientists 2006, chapters 3.3 and 3.4

Handed out copy : Box, Hunter og Hunter (1978): "Statistics for Experimenters. An introduction to Design, Data Analysis and Model Building". Wiley. Selected topics from chapter 10 og 12. This can be read as a substitute for chapter 15 in the book.

Tabels: "Statistiske tabeller og formler". Tapir.

MINITAB: Some information and documentation of MINITAB can be found on the website

Recommended litterature that can be useful to read as a supplement to the book is Box, Hunter og Hunter (1978,2005): "Statistics for Experimenters". Wiley.


Tuesdays 14.15 – 16.00 F6.

Fridays    08.15 – 10.00 F2

Curriculum, lecturing and progress plan



Chapter (7th Edition)



Introduction and motivation
Repetition, F-distribution

(1-10) Particularly 8.1-8.7



Comparing two variances
Simple linear regression.

9.8, 9.13, 10.8, 10.13, 10.18, 8.8.

11.6 - 11.12.




Multiple linear regression

12.1 -12.7, 12.9-12.11



2k experiment and fractions thereof

BHH 10 og 12
Alternativt WMM 15



Analysis of variance




Statistical Process control




Chi-square tests and Contingency tables
Contingency tables




Non parametric statistics




Approksimation of expectation and variance








Thursdays 14.15 – 15.00 in F2 or the computer lab Gombe (R90)  (see information on ØVINGSSIDEN from week to week). Remark that Gombe is reserved also for the

The teaching assistent will on this hours be available for supervising in doing exercises or answer other relevant questions.
Exercises in order to get a deeper insight into lectured material are given each week. These can be found
HERE. These exercises are voluntary but is a part of the curriculum. Solutions will be put on the website.
Most of the exercises demands the use of the statistical software MINITAB, see for instance NTNU has bought an unlimited site liscence for Windows og Macintosh for installation of MINITAB on campus and private machines of students and faculty. MINITAB is also available on several of the data rooms on campus.

One of the exercises is compulsory and will be more comprehensive. Here the students shall plan, perform,analyse and report a self selected experiment or do another statistical analyis that need to be approved by the teacher in the course. This will count 20 % on the exam. The description of this exercise is given here OBLTMA4255. Some examples of earlier experiments performed in the course are also given there. Some examples of experiments conducted in a course in USA is given here.


Exam date is May 23 2007. Written. Durance 4 hours.
Compulsary exercise counts 20% of the exam mark.
Permitted help: All printed and hand written material. All calculators allowed .

Remember to bring "Statistiske tabeller og formler". Tapir.

FINAL CURRICULUM is found here.


Exam May 2006 with solution is found here
Exam June 2005 is found here

Solutions to the exam in august 2005 is given here
Some earlier exams can be found below AUG2001 MAY2002 MAY2003 AUG2003 DEC2003 AUG2004 Other exams with solutions also to these exams can be fond on the following webpage.



Week 19 (8 and 9 May) Tuesday: Go through exam Juni 2005. Wednesday (which has “Tuesday” schedule to catch up for 1st of May): Go through the following exercises: Mai 2002: 1; December 2004: 1,3,4 (found here).

Week 18 (3 May) Go through exam Mai 2006 (which you may download under “Exam” above).


Week 17 (24 and 26 April)  Continues on Tuesday with Non-parametric tests (Ch. 16.1-16.4).  Thursday: Approximation of expectation and variance. Foils are found here: 26 April.  Some examples of approximations to expected values and variances can be downloaded here.


Week 16 (17 and 19 April)  Continues with 10.14-10.16 (Chi-square tests for Goodness-of-fit, Independence and Homogeneity). Non-parametric tests (Ch. 16). Foils are found here: 17 April.  


Week 15 (12 April)  “Choice of Sample Size” from Chapter 17. Continues with 10.14-10.16 (Chi-square tests for Goodness-of-fit, Independence and Homogeneity). Foils are found here: 12 April.  


Week 13 (27. and 29. March) Chapter 14.1-14.4 and 13.12. Starts Chapter 17. Foils are found here: 27. March.  


Week 12 (20 March) Chapter 13.8-13.9 and 14.1-14.4. Foils are found here: 20. March. 


Week 11 (13. and 15. March) Chapter 13.1-13.4 and 13.6. Foils are found here: 13. March. 

15. March.


Weeks 9 and 10: No lectures. Work on project!


Week 8 (20. and 22. February) Design of Experiments: Fractional factorial experiments. Preparation for obligatory project. Foils are found here: 20. February. 

Example of student project: Blenda-hvitt?”


Week 7 (13. and 15. February) Design of Experiments, continued. Foils are found here: 13. February.

15. February.

Week 6 (6. and 8. February) Residual plots. Collinearity in multiple regression. Start Design of Experiments (DOE). You can download Notat om faktorielle forsøk og blokkdeling (Norwegian) or Book chapter on factorial experiments (English). You may also download MINITAB Chapter on DOE. Foils are found here: 6. February. 8. February.

Week 5 (30. January and 1. February) Multiple linear regression. Used foils from last week, plus these new ones: 30. januar og 1. februar.

Week 4 (25. og 26. January) Simple linear regression. Understanding the MINITAB output. Start multiple linear regression. Download foils for 25. og 26 januar.

Week 3 (16. and 19. January) Normal distribution with two samples. F-distribution for comparison of variances. Start simple linear regression. Download foils for 16. January, 19. January.

Week 2 (9. and 12. January) Introduction and repetition connected to Chapter 8. Some keywords: Descriptive measures and graphs used by MINITAB. Normal probability plot. Sampling distributions. Confidence intervals and tests for one-sample normal distributions. Download foils for 9. January, 12. January. 


Below some examples used in the teaching of the course are given. First you will find two notes. One about" faktorielle forsøk og blokkdeling" as a substitute for chapter 15 in WMMY, or chapter 10 in Box, Hunter & Hunter (1978). The second is taken from chapter 12 in Box, Hunter & Hunter.

Notat om faktorielle forsøk og blokkdeling

Notat om fraksjonelle forsøk

Notat om rett bruk av statistikk

Notat om
Variansstabiliserande transformasjonar

Slides frå repetisjonen
Approksimasjon av forventing og varians
Eksempel i ikkje parametrisk statistikk
Blodlegemer og Augefarge
Forsøksplanlegging med senterpunkt, CCD
Spenning av lagringsbatteri
Hardheit til metallgjenstand
Koparinnhald i bronslegeringar
Ph-verdi fiskevatn
Regresjon og Anscombe's datasett
Enkel lineær regresjon
Stivheit og tettleik til treprodukt
Approksimasjon av forventing og varians
Industrieksempelet og Illustrasjon av sentralgrenseteoremt


Last updated: 06 June 2007, 11:26