==== Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, matematikk og elektroteknikk Institutt for matematiske fag

MNFMA432 (Commutative algebra)

2002H Øyvind Solberg

Credit points: 4
Duration: 1 semester
Lectures: 4 hours/week.
Monday10:15-12:00, room R60, Realfagbygget
Thursday10:15-12:00, room F4, Gamle fysikk


The course is based upon MNFMA318 and MNFMA319. The contents of the course may vary, but it will have a kernel containing: ideals, modules, chain conditions, spectrum of a ring, Hilbert's Nullstellen Satz, associated primes and primary decomposition, valuation rings, graded rings, dimension theory, regular sequences, Koszul complex and finally regular, Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein rings.


Oral exam.

Redaktør: Trond Digernes    Kontaktadresse: Webmaster    Sist oppdatert: 2002-08-13 19:43:47