Master and PhD students

Master degree

21 students have taken a master degree with Øyvind Solberg as supervisor or as one of the supervisors.

Name Title Year First job
Erlend Hov The extended Golay codes as ideals 2017
Mads Hustad Sandøy Support varieties for finite dimensional algebras 2016
Tobias Unneland Path Algebras of Coverings and Twisted Tensor Products 2015
Tea Sormbroen Lian Computing almost split sequences 2012 Sikkerhetsingeniør, Safetec
Øystein Skartsæterhagen Quivers and admissible relations of tensor products and trivial extensions 2011 PhD-student, NTNU
Tea Toft Auslander-Reiten components containing modules of finite complexity 2011 Bjørknes privatskole
Pernille Friis Koszul algebras and linear modules 2010 Vikar realfagskurset, HiST
Trude Sundtjønn Koszul algebraer over endelig kropper 2008 Vikar, UiA
Kari-Lise Olsen Koszul algebraer over endelig kropper 2008 Konsern-trainee, Gjensidige
Akram Gorgi Ghalamestani Hasse diagram of tilting modules 2006 Ukjent
Marco Angel Bertani Tepetla Coxeter functors: From its birth to tilting theory 2006 PhD-student, NTNU
Petter Andreas Bergh The asymptotic behaviour of Tor 2002 PhD-stud., NTNU
Shumbana Mohamed Said Shod algebras 2002 Ukjent
Soud Khalifa Mohammed Shod algebras 2002 Post. doc., NTNU
John de Graft Mensah Homological properties of Nakayama algebras 2001 Ukjent
Kwasi Baah Gyamfi Homological properties of Nakayama algebras 2000 Ukjent
Berit Rolandsen Den sterke no-loop formodningen 1999 Universitetsbibliotekar, UBiT
Pål Grønås Grøbner-genererende mengder for idealer i en spesiell type algebraer -- Smarandache-funksjonen 1998 HiBø
Dag Madsen Nesten splitte sekvenser og Nakayama-algebraer 1997 Dr. scient-stud., AVH
Aslak Bakke Buan Cartan determinant-formodningen 1995 Dr. scient-stud., AVH
Heidi Strømskag Måsøval Grøbner genererende mengder med anvendelser på konstruksjon av projektive oppløsninger 1994 Ukjent

PhD degree

8 students have taken a PhD degree with Øyvind Solberg as supervisor or as one of the supervisors.

Name Title Year
Øystein Skartsæterhagen Invariance of the finite generation condition for support varieties 2016
Shumbana Mohamed Said Radical cube zero selfinjective algebras and support varieties 2015
Marco Angel Bertani Tepetla On tilting and cluster-tilting theory: Algorithms and mutations 2010
Jan Stovicek Compactly Generated Triangulated Categories and the Telescope Conjecture 2009
Soud Khalifa Mohammed Tilting and relative theories in subcategories 2008
Petter Andreas Bergh Hochschild cohomology, complexity and support varieties 2006
Dag Madsen Homological aspects in representation theory 2002
Aslak Bakke Buan Relative homology, derived categories and cotilting theory 2000