MA1301 Number Theory - short info in English

Teacher: Peter Lindqvist
Assistant teacher: Dagfinn Vatne

Wednesday 08:15-10:00, KJL2
Friday 09.15-10.00, EL6

Excercise sessions:
Monday 12.15-14.00 KJL24
Tuesday 10.15-12.00 R73
Tuesday 14.15-16.00 MA24
Wednesday 10.15-12.00 KJL23
Thursday 14.15-16.00R20

The problem sets are posted under "Øvinger" on the main page.
Exam: Will be held on Friday, November 30. You can bring a calculator HP30S (the standard calculator on NTNU).
Midterm: Will be held on Wednesday, October 3 at 8.00-10.00 am.