Excerise 8: Dinosaur park



Make sure to read these - there have been some updates

This document contains information, questions, R code, and plots.

Hints and reminders are bold

Questions appear in blue.

Answers in purple.

Extra exercise tips:

  1. While questions are in blue, there might be some extra tasks in the text of the exercise. These extra tasks are not mandatory but might help you achieve the blue task or explain why the next blue task is being done.

  2. Group work - while you should submit just one exercise per group, it is a good idea that either all members run all of the code on their own computers and then collectively write the answers. Or, all members help to write the code on one computer. Remember that a lot of the answers require words or an answer not just code!

  3. Definitions of question words. We received feedback that it is not always clear what you need to do for each question, there are definitions of the question words in the Glossary on Blackboard (but we know it is hard to find!). Link to glossary

Needs to be completed and handed in by 26th March 23:59


This week we want you to make some decisions on when to do each analysis. Therefore, we have included code help and hints in separate HTMLs with code not here in the exercise.

As we are getting further through the course, these exercises will start to ask you to make more decisions for yourself. The aim of the course is that you will be able to analyse your own data, so it is good to have some practice doing this without us telling you every step.


R this week:

All R parts explained in extra code htmls.

Might need to install the bestglm package.

The challenge: How can we create the best dinosaur exhibit at a new zoo?

You are the board of directors of a new zoo opening in Norway. You want your zoo to be both exciting and educational, to teach visitors about all different kinds of plants and animals from throughout time. You have been very excited by new advances in cloning technology that you saw in Jurassic Park (you are not very up to date). You have set up a team of biologists to try and clone some dinosaurs to complete your “Ancient History” exhibit. They have been trialling different cloning techniques to try and work out the best protocol.

You have also set up another team to investigate public opinion of dinosaurs. It is very expensive to clone and to keep dinosaurs so you want to make sure that you are investing in the right ones.

Both teams have sent their results back you. Now you must analyse the data and decide on how to set up your dinosaur exhibit.

Your job is to find out how to use resources most efficiently to create an exciting dinosaur exhibit.


Part A: Concepts

This week, we will begin with some very general conceptual points. As you are part of a board of directors for the zoo, you will need to answer to your
investors. Therefore, you need to begin your recommendation for which dinosaurs to include with a brief introduction into the statistics you will use to make this decision and why.

Remember to think about your audience. The shareholders are not scientists, or statisticians. So, make sure your explanation is suitable for non-scientists too.

A1. Why do we have model selection in statistics?

We use model selection in statistics to try and find the most appropriate explanatory variables (variables that influence the response e.g. variables that impact cloning success) to include in our model. Once we have chosen the model that best explains how our data were generated e.g. a Poisson GLM or a linear regression with normal error, we then need to decide which explanatory variables to include to explain our response. Often in the real world, there are many different explanatory variables we could include, either with or without interactions (whether they impact each other, such as light could change the effect of fertiliser on a plant). There is a balance between including everything and explaining a lot of variance and keeping a model simple. The more variables you add, the more parameters (things) you estimate from the data which could lead to a model becoming over-fitted and no more simple than reality itself (where we have equal to or more variables than data). Therefore, we need to conduct model selection. All variables we add will increase the amount of variation that we explain but not always because they actually influence the response (even random data will increase R squared - see lecture module). So, we need ways to tell whether a variable is worth adding to a model or not. We do this in two ways, either by confirming a hypothesis or exploring which variables best explain the data. This way our team can find the models that best balance complexity and explanation for each part of dinosaur cloning. (You could probably make this even less technical!)

A2. What are two of the different aims of model selection?

The two different aims are 1) hypothesis testing/confirmatory model selection i.e. does this extra variable or interaction effect have a statistically significant effect on our response (our Y variable - cloning success index)? 2) which variables, of many, best explain variance in our response (Y)/ exploratory model selection i.e. of these 3 variables we measure, which explain more variation than would be expected by chance and are worth including despite the extra parameters we need to estimate?

A3. How do you perform model selection for each of these? i.e. name the technique don't give all the details

1) Conduct confirmatory model selection using anova (for linear models) or analysis of deviance (generalised linear models - learn this in a week or so). 2) Conduct exploratory model selection using the AIC or BIC.

Part B: Which variables influence cloning success?

These data have been collected by your team of scientists in the cloning facility. They have been trying to clone several different species of dinosaur using fossils of different ages and different lab procedures. They have recorded the 'success' of the cloning as an index created from the number of viable embryos created, longevity of embryos, and the cost of the cloning method. The index has positive and negative values, positive indicating greater success from the investment. This is called SuccessIndex in the data and is the response variable.

The explanatory variables they collected are: Age this is age of the fossil being cloned in million years, Size this is the average adult body weight of the dinosaur species being cloned in metric tons, Herbivore this is an indicator of whether the species is a herbivore (TRUE) or a carnivore (FALSE).

Think about what kind of data (continuous or categorical) each of these are. It will help you with interpreting.

It is thought that some of these variables might explain the variation in cloning success index. But it is not yet known which.

The dataset for this questions can be found at https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/ST2304/2021v/Week10/CloneData_2021v.csv

As always, the first step is to import the data and assign it to an object. You can use the whole web link above to import the data. It is a csv file with column names (header) included.

B1. Look at the question at the start of this section (in the title of Part B). Is this question confirmatory or exploratory? Why?

Exploratory because it is asking which variables, of many, and not a specific hypothesis about any of them.

Based on your answer to question B1, open the appropriate help HTML for this section. These are listed in the Resources section.

You do not have to use the HTML document, the code is included in the module for week 10. See if you can try and list the steps you need for B2 before looking at the HTML.

B2. Conduct model selection for answering “which variables influence cloning success?” and Write a report of the steps you took to do this, why, and state what the result was.

To answer this question include a bullet point list of the steps you take to do this. You can include a line or two of R code with each bullet point but you should not need a lot (so, you also need to use words to explain why you are doing each step not only the R code).

Image that you are writing a report to be read by the investors in the zoo when you answer B2. They will want to know the results of each step but also have some idea why you are running certain lines of code.

For this question you should conduct exploratory model selection to find the variables that best explain variation in SuccessIndex. Should use the AIC or BIC, either is fine but should be justified. BIC has a higher penalty for extra parameters, so you should choose why this would be beneficial or not. Do you want to aim for a simple model? Or to explain most variance without extra penalty?

Detailed steps in R code, justification as comments: It is important to look at the full output of the selection i.e. each model and the AIC or BIC, because models with less than 2 difference are not considered to be substantially different in their support.

# Steps of the exploratory model selection

# There are two ways that you can do exploratory model section.

# METHOD 1: is manual. This is more useful when there are only a few 
# combinations of explanatory variables. I would not recommend here but you can
# you would not lose marks for doing it. 

# First: create a null model with no variables
# This is what you want to compare the other models to. 
null <- lm(SuccessIndex ~ 1, data = CloneData)

# Then one for each explanatory variable alone
# This is so you can compare the effect of adding each variable to the model
model1 <- lm(SuccessIndex ~ Age, data = CloneData)
model2 <- lm(SuccessIndex ~ Size, data = CloneData)
model3 <- lm(SuccessIndex ~ Herbivore, data = CloneData)

# Then you would run for all combinations of explanatory variables and 
# interactions (at least 13 models in this case)

# Then you would calculate the AIC or BIC. Both let you compare the models.
# They have a penalty for adding extra parameters so help to reduce model 
# complexity. The lowest AIC or BIC indicates the preferred model with the best
# (of the subset tested) balance of complexity and explanation. 
AIC(null, model1, model2, model3) # find AIC
##        df      AIC
## null    2 299.9500
## model1  3 269.2986
## model2  3 234.9893
## model3  3 301.8207
BIC(null, model1, model2, model3) # find BIC
##        df      BIC
## null    2 305.1604
## model1  3 277.1141
## model2  3 242.8049
## model3  3 309.6362
# Another way to do this, would be to use the bestglm package. I would 
# recommend here because this is easier than writing out all possible models. 


# create NewData to use in bestglm make sure the response is last in the dataframe.
NewData <- CloneData[ ,c(2:4, 1)] 

# Then you can use bestglm() using AIC or BIC
OutputAIC <- bestglm(NewData, IC="AIC")
OutputBIC <-bestglm(NewData, IC="BIC")

# You should then look at the results and find the preferred model. 

## (Intercept)         Age        Size 
## -29.1222249   0.5631080  -0.7460343
##                   2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept) -42.6443977 -15.6000521
## Age           0.4591198   0.6670963
## Size         -0.8500883  -0.6419803
## (Intercept)         Age        Size 
## -29.1222249   0.5631080  -0.7460343
##                   2.5 %      97.5 %
## (Intercept) -42.6443977 -15.6000521
## Age           0.4591198   0.6670963
## Size         -0.8500883  -0.6419803
##    (Intercept)   Age  Size Herbivore logLikelihood        AIC
## 0         TRUE FALSE FALSE     FALSE     -6.081163   12.16233
## 1         TRUE FALSE  TRUE     FALSE     27.399180  -52.79836
## 2*        TRUE  TRUE  TRUE     FALSE     66.612773 -129.22555
## 3         TRUE  TRUE  TRUE      TRUE     66.821849 -127.64370
##    (Intercept)   Age  Size Herbivore logLikelihood        BIC
## 0         TRUE FALSE FALSE     FALSE     -6.081163   12.16233
## 1         TRUE FALSE  TRUE     FALSE     27.399180  -50.19319
## 2*        TRUE  TRUE  TRUE     FALSE     66.612773 -124.01521
## 3         TRUE  TRUE  TRUE      TRUE     66.821849 -119.82819
# Should get a model with Age and Size if you use either the BIC or AIC. 

# You might notice not ALL combinations are included. It shows the null and the
# lowest AIC or BIC for one variable, then two, then three etc. 

# This disagreement between the two model selection techniques suggests that
# there is not a clear model that best balances complexity and explanation/
# prediction. 

B3. Interpret the results from the model selection. Include reference to model selection and the final model you end up with. I.e. you should also mention what the effect any variables have

Model selection showed that the model with age and size, was the best supported. This was shown by it having the lowest BIC and AIC value. Age has a positive relationship with cloning success, success increases 0.563108 (confidence interval of 0.4591198, 0.6670963) for every 1 million year increase in age. Size has a negative relationship, success decreases -0.7460343 (confidence interval of -0.8500883, -0.6419803) for every 1 ton increase in size. Neither sets of confidence intervals cross 0. So, we have reasonable support for the direction of the effects. Even when we consider uncertainty, the direction is still clear.

Extra bit for AIC: AIC has a lower penalty than BIC for extra parameters. This led to the result being a bit less clear using the AIC. For the AIC the difference between a model with Herbivore included and one without was <2. This means that these models are not considered to have substantially different support based on the AIC. So, this model without Herbivore is no 'better' than one with Herbivore, but no worse either. Ideally, you want to represent the results from both models, but that is a bit beyond this course.

Part C: Does the size of a dinosaur affect their popularity?

These data were collected from a large survey of the general public. The participants were asked to rate, on a continuous scale (0-100), how much they liked different dinosaur species. The species all differed in size. The board members (your team) think that visitors to your zoo will be more excited to see bigger dinosaurs because bigger dinosaurs are more popular.

The dataset has columns: PopularityScore the popularity score of the d inosaur species, Weight weight of the species in metric tons (a measure of size).

The data for this question can be found at https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/ST2304/2021v/Week10/DinoData_2021v.csv

As always, the first step is to import the data and assign it to an object. You can use the whole web link above to import the data. It is a csv file with column names (header) included.

C1. Look at the question at the start of this section (in the title for Part C). Is this question confirmatory or exploratory? Why?

Confirmatory, it is a specific hypothesis about a relationship between size and popularity.

C2. Conduct model selection for answering “does the size (weight) of a dinosaur affect its popularity?” and Write a report of the steps you took to do this, why, and what the result was.

To answer this question include a bullet point list of the steps you take to do this. You can include a line or two of R code with each bullet point but you should not need a lot. (Again, R code alone will not answer this question, also say why you do each step).

Image that you are writing a report to be read by the investors in the zoo when you answer C2. They will want to know the results of each step but also have some idea why you are running certain lines of code.

Correct steps will be in the R code below. Should conduct confirmatory model selection to test whether there is a relationship between popularity and weight.

# The first step is to decide what your null and alternative hypotheses are.
# Here the null is nothing influences popularity
# the alternative is the weight of a dinosaur influences their popularity.

# Begin model selection by creating H0 model 
ModelH0 <- lm(PopularityScore ~ 1, data = DinoData)

# Then create the H1 model 
ModelH1 <- lm(PopularityScore ~ Weight, data = DinoData)

# Then you compare them using the ANOVA function. This allows you to compare
# the likelihood of each model through a hypothesis test. This is done by 
# comparing the likelihood you estimated for the alternative hypothesis with the
# distribution of the likelihood if the null hypothesis was true and working
# out the probability of getting the likelihood you observed or higher if the
# null was true. 
HypothesisTest <- anova(ModelH0, ModelH1) 
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Model 1: PopularityScore ~ 1
## Model 2: PopularityScore ~ Weight
##   Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F  Pr(>F)  
## 1     99 503.13                              
## 2     98 480.40  1    22.733 4.6376 0.03373 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# - make sure the models are in correct order
# The DF in the anova output should be 1 NOT -1

# Then you interpret the results (answer below) and also the results of the 
# preferred model

# In this case, the selection showed support for the alternative hypothesis
# so we REJECT the null (H0) and can interpret ModelH1

## (Intercept)      Weight 
##  56.0411663   0.4791977
##                   2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) 33.95751742 78.1248151
## Weight       0.03761396  0.9207815

C3. Interpret the results from the model selection. Include reference to model selection and the final model you end up with. I.e. you should also mention what the effect of any variables are

The F-value from the anova is 4.6375783 with probability of getting this value or higher if H0 is true of 0.0337323. This lower than the usual cut off of 0.05 so we can reject H0. We can conclude that Weight of species does have a relationship with popularity. Bigger dinosaurs are more popular by 0.4791977 points per metric ton. Confidence intervals do not span 0 (0.037614, 0.9207815), so we are unlikely to see this effect if H0 is true. R squared for this model is very low (0.05). Although statistically significant, weight does not explain much variation in PopularityScore.

Part D: Recommendation

D1. Based on all of your results, what would you recommend as a way to create an efficient and exciting exhibit?

Recommend bigger dinosaurs (based on the results of popularity) and older fossils (because they have higher cloning success). But bigger dinosaurs are also harder to clone - so there needs to be a balance to be most cost effective. Got conflicting results so could be hard to decide. There is no single correct answer but all answers should discuss the conflicting results. That big dinosaurs are more population but harder to clone. Some mention of the low R squared for popularity model should also be included.
This indicates that there is more influencing popularity than just size. Also all dinosaurs are very popular, so maybe it is ok to have smaller ones. (These are just examples of points and justification). Whether you take Herbivores or Carnivores is not so important based on these results, but could be very important if you don't want your dinosaurs to eat each other.

Part E: Reflection and feedback

E1. If you were to do this analysis in real life, is there anything you would change about the experimental design or the analysis? Was anything missing? Any extra steps you would take or extra information you might want?

Any sensible answer is ok here. Emily's example: I would want to add a few things to the experimental design. For instance, you could look at the family of the dinosaur in cloning success or the lab conditions or type of fossil e.g. what sediment it was preserved in. For popularity, I would maybe want to look at age of the dinosaur too so that it matched better with the cloning success data and also whether herbivores are more popular than carnivores. You might even want to go qualitative and have a focus group to find out in more depth what people like about dinosaurs. In terms of extra analyses, I would want to add model checking for each final model.