Exercise 1: Dragon management


This document contains information, questions, R code, and plots.

Hints and reminders are bold

Questions appear in blue.

Questions appear in purple or R code.

# R code looks like this.
# Comments are in grey and explain the code

2+2 # add two and two
## [1] 4
# outputs from R appear like the above ^^^^

You should work through the exercise in groups and write answers in a separate document to be submitted on Blackboard by Friday 5th Feb midnight.

Answer all questions. The assignment can be written in any format (e.g. .docx, .pdf, .R) but should easily be able to include pictures, R code, and text.


To complete this exercise you will need to use:

The exercise is designed to use statistical theory in an applied context to solve biology related problems similar to those you will face in real life.This week the exercise looks at how we can use maximum likelihood estimation to make biological and political conclusions. These exercises will get you to use all steps in statistical modelling (choosing models, estimating parameters, estimating uncertainty, and interpretation of results.)

We will give some help with R and some hints, these will reduce each week. We also expect you to use some problem solving yourselves and to ask the assistants for help.

We would expect this to take you at least 2 hours.

R hints and help

Use the help pages and google

In the exam you will be given the R help pages for any function that is used. Here you can practice using them. Type ? followed by the function name to bring up the help pages for that function e.g.


For the function optimise() that we use this week.

A new R function we will use optimise()

This function provides an easy way for us to optimise over a parameter (find the 'best' value). What we consider the 'best' value of a parameter depends on what criteria we want to optimise. For most of the work we are doing we want to find the parameter that maximises the likelihood. We can use optimise to calculate the likelihood for all possible values of a parameter (within bounds we set) and find the maximum of these.

Arguments we have to provide to optimise() (the arguments optimise takes):

Other functions to remember from previous weeks

The challenge: management of dragons in Trondheim

You are a team of scientists studying the reintroduction of dragons into Trondheim.

Dragons were reintroduced last year as part of rewilding efforts. The exact species of dragon introduced is a seed eater and so no threat to people or livestock. They also help maintain lower vegetation across the river, which helps kayakers and other river users. Since reintroduction you have been collecting data on these dragons as part of your research. Now the government wants you to present your findings to help them choose a management strategy:

From previous work you know that an average population abundance of 35 individuals is needed to maintain the population and keep vegetation under control. An average population abundance of more than 50 individuals will start to put pressure on resources and increase risks of fire.

It is your job to analyse your data and advise the government how to manage the population.

Part A: analysis of the sex ratio of dragon eggs

Dragon picture

One of your team has been collecting data on the sex of dragon eggs. Conveniently, male dragons are purple and females are red (even as eggs).

They have collected data from 100 eggs. Their data can be found at (https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/ST2304/2021v/Week03/DragonEggData.csv). This file has a header and is a .csv. You can either download and then import it using read.csv() or import directly using the whole web address above.

DO NOT open the file in excel and re-save after downloading.

The data has two columns Egg_number and sex. In the sex column 0 = male and 1 = female.

Remember: to access a particular column of a data frame you use $ e.g. sex_ratio_data$Egg_number

First thing we should always do is look at our data.

A1. Plot a histogram of the data and look at the raw data in R.


Use the hist() function to make the plot.

xlab and ylab and main arguments change the axis labels and plot title.

This is not a pretty graph but lets you see what sort of data you have.

# import the data and name it
SexRatioData <- read.csv('https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/ST2304/2021v/Week03/DragonEggData.csv', header=T) 

# plot the histogram - I have changed the title (main) and 
# the x axis label (xlab) manually
hist(SexRatioData$sex, xlab="Sex (0 = male, 1 = female)", 
     main = "Histogram of sex ratio data", col="black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

From this data you can calculate the observed proportion of female eggs:

A2. What is the proportion of female eggs in the observed data? (include one line on how you calculated it)

Answer in R code

# There are several ways to do this. The exact way does not matter as long as it 
# is correct.

# create an object called ProportionFemale 

# Option 1:
# Sum the numbers in sex column (basically counts all the 1s) 
# then divide by the total number of trials (100)
# round() rounds the numbers, here to 2 decimal places.
ProportionFemale <- round(sum(SexRatioData$sex)/length(SexRatioData$sex),2) 

# Option 2: 
# We sum up the number of 1s and divide by the total number. 
# mean() is a sneaky way of doing this.
ProportionFemale <- mean(SexRatioData$sex)

# display answer
ProportionFemale # 0.44
## [1] 0.44

Now you have the proportion of female eggs that were observed. But this does not tell us much. You need to complete some statistical analyses to make generalisable statements about the results.

But which distribution can we use as a model?

You want to choose a model to represent the data. Just like last week, this is binary data (male or female) and each egg is an independent trial. It should be familiar that we can use the binomial distribution as our model. As we have chosen the binomial distribution, you know that there is one unknown parameter to estimate \(p\) = the probability of success (being female).

We have a model, how do we estimate the parameter?

A3i. Begin by calculating the likelihood for different probabilities of being female (here being female = getting a success).


You used dbinom() in the model this week just before Figure 1.

You then plotted the likelihood in Figure 2. You can find the code for both there.

A3ii. Then plot the likelihood curve.

Answer to A3i and A3ii below in R code.

# save the number of successes as an object
NSuccess <- sum(SexRatioData$sex) # 44
# save the number of trials as an object (total number of eggs)
NTrials <- length(SexRatioData$sex) # 100

# Help! what probabilites (probability of being female) do I use?
# You can use any but chosing a large number of possibilities covering 
# from almost 0 to almost 1 is best.
# seq() is a good function to use. 
# It creates a vector of sequence of numbers from the start and end you choose.
Probabilities <- seq(from=0.001, to=0.999, by=0.001) # 999 numbers

# generate likelihoods
# this answers A3i
likelihoods <- dbinom(x=NSuccess, size=NTrials, prob=Probabilities)

# This is A3ii

# plot the curve as a line (type="l")
# manually set x and y labels (xlab and ylab)
plot(x=Probabilities, y=likelihoods, type="l", xlab="Probability of female", 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

A4. At what point along the curve is the maximum likelihood estimate? and How can we find it, mathematically? (hint: you can describe the mathematical process in words or use the equation)

We can differentiate the likelihood, and find the sex ratio where the slope is zero. We know from last week you can use:

\(\hat{p} = \frac{r}{N}\)

or we can use optimise().

Below is the code to find the maximum likelihood estimate of the probability of being female in R and plot it on the graph. You could also use the equations from last week and find the maximum likelihood estimate analytically.

But we present an example using optimise(), this is easier for more complex likelihoods.

# f = the dbinom() function 

# You now add an upper and lower bound for the probability (0 and 1)
# R will only calculate the likelihood for parameter values between 0 and 1

# You still need to include the arguments of the number of successes
# and number of trials. dbinom() needs these to run

# You have set maximum to TRUE

MLE.binom <- optimise(f=dbinom, lower=0, upper=1, x=NSuccess, 
                      size=NTrials, maximum=TRUE)
# $maximum takes only the maximum value from the output

# Look at the result:
## $maximum
## [1] 0.4400009
## $objective
## [1] 0.08016464
# $maximum = the parameter value that gave the highest likelihood
# $objective = the likelihood vlaue for that parameter
# Now to plot the results

# Repeat the plot from A3ii
plot(x=Probabilities, y=likelihoods, type="l", xlab="Probability of female", 

# add a point at the maximum likelihood

points(MLE.binom$maximum, # the parameter value
       MLE.binom$objective, # the maximum likelihood value
       col="red", pch=16) # pch = 16 and col = "red", makes the point red and filled in

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

You should now have a plot of the likelihoods and the probability (our parameter) with the maximum likelihood. Although you have managed to calculate this, it is not the whole picture.

A5. Why is the maximum likelihood estimate alone not enough to draw statistical conclusions? and What other information should we include?

The maximum likelihood estimate alone is not enough because it does not tell us about the variability in our result. When we did simulations you can see each time you take a sample and make an estimate for the parameter, you get a different result. This variation needs to be considered when making statistical conclusions. So, we want a measure of uncertainty (variance of the sampling distribution of a statistic/parameter), standard errors and confidence intervals are ways we can do this.

Below is the code to calculate the confidence intervals for the maximum likelihood estimate and plot them, using a normal approximation.

A6. Write a definition for the standard error. You can use equations but it must also include words.

The standard error is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic/parameter. If we were to estimate a statistic/parameter (e.g. probability) many times using different samples from the population, the expected standard deviation of the different estimated probabilities would be the standard error. (p22 of New statistics with R, can also google) Formula (sqrt(variance/n)) is also acceptable. But should include some reference to the sampling distribution.

r <- NSuccess  # number of successes
N <- NTrials # total number of trials
p <- NSuccess/NTrials # proportion of success (rounded)
phat <- r/N # get maximum likelihood estimate
stderr <- sqrt(phat*(1-phat)/N) # creating the standard error

# create normal approximation of likelihood
likelihoods.approx <- dnorm(Probabilities, phat, stderr) 
# scale this by the maximum likelihood (becomes relative likelihood)
# i.e. relative to the maximum calculated
likelihoods.approx <- likelihoods.approx/max(likelihoods.approx)

# plot the previous likelihood (binomial)
plot(x=Probabilities, y=likelihoods, type="l", ylab="Likelihood", xlab="Probability")
# add a line for the new normal approximation likelihood
# need to multiply the relative likelhoods by the maximum from the binomial
lines(Probabilities, likelihoods.approx*max(likelihoods), col="red")

# calculate the lower and upper confidence intervals using the standard error
CI_lower <- MLE.binom$maximum - 1.96*stderr
CI_upper <- MLE.binom$maximum + 1.96*stderr
# display the rounded result
round(c(CI_lower, CI_upper), 2)
## [1] 0.34 0.54
# mark the CIs on the plot - can do with lines, polygons or points
# I have chosen lines because it is simple code
abline(v=0.44) # MLE line
abline(v=c(CI_lower, CI_upper), col="red") # CI lines
# add text labels x and y tell R the coordinates to put text at
text(x=0.2, y=0.04, labels="Lower CI", col="red") 
text(x=0.7, y=0.04, labels="Upper CI", col="red")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

Now, that you have estimated parameters and uncertainty, it is time to interpret the results.

A7. Do the dragons have a skewed sex ratio as eggs (is it different to 50-50)? Use the confidence intervals in your answer. Explain your answer

The CI for probability of being female is 0.34 to 0.54, which includes 0.5. So, 50% probability of being female is within the plausible range for this parameter based on our estimation. So, there seem to be as many females as would be expected from a 50:50 ratio, even though the MLE is less than 0.5, when we include the necessary uncertainty, 0.5 is within the interval. You do not need the MLE, which is 0.44, to reach the conclusion.

Part B: adult dragon numbers

Another member of your team has been collecting data on the number of adult dragons in Trondheim. They have set up a feeding station along the river. They have counted the number of dragons that visited the feeding station in a single day. The number of dragons they counted was 29.

This is just a single count, if you repeated the count on more days each one would differ. Just like the amount of land and sea we sampled differed each time we moved the globe.

But which distribution can we use as a model?

The data you have are counts, someone went out and counted dragons. Count data, can only be whole numbers (integers) that are always positive (non-negative). You cannot have half a dragon or negative dragons. The Poisson distribution also has these properties, therefore it is the appropriate choice. So, here we assume that the count data has come from a Poisson distribution.

In the same way as for binomial data, we want to find what parameter values (but this time for the Poisson distribution), which produce the highest likelihood given our observed data, those that are most likely to give rise to our data.

Here you only have information on when you did see a dragon, not how many you did not see one (there is no record of failures).

You need to save your number of observations as an object in R.

ObservedAbundance <- 29

The Poisson distribution

The Poisson distribution is characterised by a single parameter. Lambda \( \lambda \) which is the mean (and also the variance) of the distribution. As with the binomial distribution (and \(p\), the probability), we can also find the maximum likelihood estimate for the Poisson, but here we are finding the likelihood of different \( \lambda \) (means).

Below you can see the code to find the likelihoods of different \( \lambda \) and then plot them.

Details are as follows:

Remember: you can only have whole dragons.

# Begin by creating a sequence of lambdas to find likelihoods for
lambdas <- seq(1,70,1) # 70 lambdas (means)

# Calculate the likelihoods
likelihoods.Pois <- dpois(x=ObservedAbundance, lambdas)

# plot the outcome
plot(lambdas, likelihoods.Pois, type="l", ylab="Likelihood", xlab="Lambda (mean)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

To find the maximum likelihood we again use optimise().

# replot the outcome
plot(lambdas, likelihoods.Pois, type="l", ylab="Likelihood", xlab="Lambda (mean)")

# This time we use optimise on the dpois function used above
# Set lower and upper to the bounds of your lambdas above
MLE.Pois <- optimise(dpois, lower=0, upper=70, x = ObservedAbundance, 
                     maximum = TRUE)
## $maximum
## [1] 29
## $objective
## [1] 0.07386916
# plot at point at the maximum likelihood 
points(MLE.Pois$maximum, # parameter value that gives the highest likelihood
       MLE.Pois$objective, # the actual likelihood value for that parameter
       col="blue", pch=16) 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

You now have a maximum likelihood estimate for the mean abundance (\( \lambda \)) of adult dragons in Trondheim. As with the sex ratio though, this is not all of the information that we need for statistical inference. We would also like a measure of our confidence (uncertainty) in our estimate.

The following code calculates the confidence intervals for the maximum likelihood estimate of \( \lambda \)

Remember: the variance is the square of the standard deviation. dnorm() takes the standard deviation = sqrt(lambda).

# calculate approximate likelihoods from the normal distribution
# mean is MLE from Poisson and standard deviation is square root of MLE Poisson
likelihoods.approx.Pois <- dnorm(lambdas, MLE.Pois$maximum,
likelihoods.approx.Pois <- likelihoods.approx.Pois/max(likelihoods.approx.Pois)

plot(lambdas, likelihoods.Pois, type="l", ylab="Likelihood", xlab="Probability")
lines(lambdas, likelihoods.approx.Pois*max(likelihoods.Pois), col="blue")

stderr_Pois <- sqrt(MLE.Pois$maximum) # standard deviation as normal approximation
CI_lower <- MLE.Pois$maximum - 1.96*stderr_Pois
CI_upper <- MLE.Pois$maximum + 1.96*stderr_Pois
ApproxCI <- round(c(CI_lower, CI_upper),2)
## [1] 18.45 39.55
# Exact CIs by knowing the maths
## You do not need to know this!!! It's just here so we can plot them.
ExactCI <- qchisq(p=c(0.025, 0.975), df = 2*MLE.Pois$maximum)/2

# Mark on the plot - can do with lines, polygons or points
# This plots a polygon for the exact confidence intervals
InExactCI <- lambdas > ExactCI[1] & lambdas < ExactCI[2]

# This code shades the plot under the curve and between the exact confidence intervals
polygon(x=c(lambdas[InExactCI], max(lambdas[InExactCI]), min(lambdas[InExactCI])),
        y=c(likelihoods.Pois[InExactCI], 0,0), border=NA, col="grey70")


# Then mark on the plot approximate intervals
# can do with lines, polygons or points
# This one is a line
abline(v=29) # MLE line
abline(v=c(CI_lower, CI_upper), col="blue") # CI lines
text(x=10, y=0.04, labels="Lower\nCI", col="blue")
text(x=50, y=0.04, labels="Upper\nCI", col="blue")

# Adds a legend (key) to the plot in the top right corner
# Labelled Exact CI and Approx CI, with a grey and blue filled square and no line around the edge (bty = 'n')
legend("topright", c("Exact CI", "Approx CI"), 
       fill=c("grey70", "blue"), bty='n')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

The approximate 95% confidence intervals for the Poisson distribution are 18 to 40 (to nearest whole dragon) with a maximum likelihood estimate of 29 individuals.

B1. Interpret the confidence intervals here. What do they represent?

The confidence intervals are 95% confidence intervals so they represent the boundaries within which we would likely expect the true population value of the parameter (here the mean of the Poisson) to be found 95% of the time. If we were to repeat our sampling many times and each time create a confidence interval, on average the true value would be within the confidence intervals 95% of the time. This means that based on our results, it is unlikely that the true population abundance is greater than 40 but it could be less than 18. We are not in danger of too many dragons. But the population could be in danger of collapse.

B2. Are you happy with the normal approximation and the confidence intervals here? Why/Why not?

The approximate intervals do not cover 95% of the Poisson distribution. Particularly the lower CI is too low in the approximation. The approximate intervals cover > 95% of the Poisson so they are over-representing uncertainty, which is probably better than under-estimating. But, it is very close so also ok to think they are fine. The approximation is also a lot easier to use.

Part C: Make a recommendation

Your team have analysed two sets of data on the dragon population in Trondheim.

Now you have to create a management recommendation for the local government.

C1. Produce a recommendation for the government. It should include:

We are expecting that you should want to increase the population slightly. The MLE is a lower than the number of dragons needed to sustain the population and while the confidence interval does contain the number needed for a stable population, the majority of the interval is much below this. So quite a strong case to try and increase numbers to stop the population disappearing. Whatever management strategy you choose should include discussion of the upper and lower bounds of the confidence intervals when justifying the answer. You have information on sex ratio. Which is ok, 50:50 was within the plausible range based on our data. There should be at least some reference to this. But you have no data that could let us look at the causes of either pattern (sex ratio or abundance). Speculating on mechanisms is ok as long as it is biologically plausible but you must be aware that you cannot say much about anything we have no data on. Anything biologically sensible is accepted here for how to improve. For example: higher sample size, repeated counts along the river, environmental data, food availability. Any of these things would allow you to get better estimates of abundance and start to explore some mechanisms and relationships that could influence

abundance or sex ratio.

Part D: Reflection and feedback

D1. How do you think this exercise went? What do you think your group did well, what was a challenge? (2 examples of each)

D2. What would you like feedback on this week?

This question (D2) might be hard to answer, but it will be really helpful if you do. We want the feedback we give to be most useful for you! You may want feedback on interpretation, or concepts, or R code, on specific questions, or on everything. It is up to your group what will be most helpful! You will still get a solution to this exercise so you can see a model answer. Therefore, choose feedback that will help beyond the solution.

Feedback should be to help you improve, so let us know what will be most helpful.