Solutions to Recommended Exercises 7

TMA4268 Statistical learning

Andreas Strand

25 februar, 2018

Problem 1: The code below performs polynomial regression of degree 1, 2, 3 and 4. The function sapply() is an efficient for loop. We iterate over all degrees to plot the fitted values and compute the test error. Finally we plot the test error by polynomial degree.

ds = Auto[c("horsepower","mpg")]
n = nrow(ds)
tr =, n/2)
plot(ds[tr,], col = "darkgrey", main = "Polynomial regression")
deg = 1:4
co = rainbow(length(deg))
MSE = sapply(deg, function(d){
  mod = lm(mpg ~ poly(horsepower,d),ds[tr,])
  lines(cbind(ds[tr,1],mod$fit)[order(ds[tr,1]),], col = co[d])
  mean((predict(mod,ds[-tr,])- ds[-tr,2])^2)
legend("topright", legend = paste("d =",deg), lty = 1, col = co)

plot(MSE, type="o", pch = 16, xlab = "degree", main = "Test error")

Problem 2: We use factor(origin) for conversion to a factor variable. The function predict(..., se = T) gives fitted values with standard errors.

fit = lm(mpg ~ factor(origin))
new = sort(unique(origin))
pred = predict(fit, list("origin" = new), se=T)
se.b = cbind(pred$fit + 2*pred$, pred$fit- 2*pred$
plot(factor(c("1.American", "2.European", "3.Japanese")), 
     pred$fit, ylim = range(se.b), main = "Step function",ylab = "mpg")
arrows(new, se.b[,1], y1 = se.b[,2],angle = 90, length = 0.03, code = 3)

Problem 3: The request is a design matrix for a natural spline with \(X\) = year and one knot \(c_1 = 2006\). The boundary knots be the extreme values of year, that is \(c_0 = 2003\) and \(c_2 = 2009\). A general basis for a natural spline is \[ b_1(x_i) = x_i, \quad b_{k+2}(x_i) = d_k(x_i)-d_K(x_i),\; k = 0, \ldots, K - 1,\\ \] \[ d_k(x_i) = \frac{(x_i-c_k)^3_+-(x_i-c_{K+1})^3_+}{c_{K+1}-c_k}. \] In our case we have one internal knot, that is \(K=1\). Thus, \(k\) takes only the value 0. The two basis functions are \[\begin{align*} b_1(x_i) &= x_i,\\ b_2(x_i) &= d_0(x_i)-d_1(x_i)\\ &= \frac{(x_i-c_0)^3_+-(x_i-c_2)^3_+}{c_2-c_0} - \frac{(x_i-c_1)^3_+-(x_i-c_2)^3_+}{c_2-c_1}\\ &= \frac{1}{c_2-c_0}(x_i-c_0)^3_+ - \frac{1}{c_2-c_1}(x_i-c_1)^3_+ + \left(\frac{1}{c_2-c_1}-\frac{1}{c_2-c_0}\right)(x_i-c_{2})^3_+\\ &= \frac{1}{6}(x_i-2003)^3_+ - \frac{1}{3}(x_i-2006)^3_+ + \frac{1}{6}(x_i-2009)^3_+. \end{align*}\]

The design matrix is obtained by \(\{\mathbf X_2\}_{ij} = b_j(x_i)\). We can simplify the second basis function more by using the fact that the boundary knots are the extreme values of \(x_i\), that is \(2003 \leq x_i \leq 2009\). Thus, \[ b_2(x_i) = \frac{1}{6}(x_i-2003)^3 - \frac{1}{3}(x_i-2006)^3_+. \]

Problem 4: The matrix \(\mathbf X\) is obtained by using cbind() to join an intercept, a cubic spline, a natural cubic spline and a factor.

mybs = function(x,knots) cbind(x,x^2,x^3,sapply(knots,function(y) pmax(0,x-y)^3))

d = function(c, cK, x) (pmax(0,x-c)^3-pmax(0,x-cK)^3)/(cK-c)
myns = function(x,knots){
  kn = c(min(x), knots, max(x))
  K = length(kn)
  sub = d(kn[K-1],kn[K],x)

myfactor = function(x) model.matrix(~x)[,-1]

X = cbind(1,mybs(age,c(40,60)), myns(year, 2006), myfactor(education))
myhat = lm(wage~X-1)$fit
yhat = gam(wage ~ bs(age, knots = c(40,60)) + ns(year, knots = 2006) + education)$fit
## [1] TRUE

The fitted values myhat and yhat are equal. Both the design matrices \(\mathbf X\) and the coefficients \(\hat{\beta}\) differs, but \(\mathbf X \hat{\beta}\) are the same.

Problem 5: Solution to problem 3 on Compulsory 2.

Problem 6: The fitted values are obtained by \(\hat{\mathbf y} = \mathbf S \mathbf y\). In R this is S%*%y. The effective degrees of freedom is defined as \[ df_{\lambda} = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{1+\lambda d_i}. \] This summation is done in one line in R.

K = function(x){
  xi = sort(unique(x))
  n = length(xi)
  h = xi[-1]-xi[-n]
  i =
  D = diag(1/h[i], ncol = n)
  D[cbind(i,i+1)] = - 1/h[i] - 1/h[i+1]
  D[cbind(i,i+2)] = 1/h[i+1]
  W = diag(h[i]+h[i+1]/3)
  W[cbind(i[-1],i[-1]-1)] = h[i[-1]]/6
  W[cbind(i[-1]-1,i[-1])] = h[i[-1]]/6

lambda = 2000
x = sort(unique(age))
y = wage[order(age[!duplicated(age)])]
eig = eigen(K(x))
U = eig$vectors
d = eig$values
S = U%*%diag(1/(1+lambda*d))%*%t(U)

myhat = S%*%y
yhat = smooth.spline(x, y, df = sum(1/(1+lambda*d)))$y

plot(x,y, main = "Comparison of fitted values")
co = c("blue", "red")
w = c(5,2)
lines(x,myhat, lwd = w[1], col = co[1])
lines(x,yhat, lwd = w[2], col = co[2])
legend("topright", legend = c("myhat", "yhat"), col = co, 
       lwd = w, inset=c(0, -0.19), xpd = T)