TMA4268 Statistical Learning, Part 2: Course modules

 PL=plenary lecture, IL=interactive lecture, E=exercises

WeekModuleNameDatesTextbook chaptersModule page (html)(pdf)(Rmd)Short solutions to RC
2 M1: Introduction Introduction PL: 08.01.2018 at 12.15-14.00 in F2
Screencast first hour (delay in sound last 10 minutes)
1 1Intro.html 1Intro.pdf 1Intro.Rmd  
R workshop IL: 10.01.2018 at 10.15-12.00 in Smia 2.3

Rbeginner.html Rintermediate.html Rintermediate-sol.html

Rbeginner.pdf Rintermediate.pdf Rintermediate-sol.pdf Rbeginner.Rmd Rintermediate.Rmd Rintermediate-sol.Rmd
E: 12.01 12.15-14 in Smia
3 M2: Statistical Learning Part A: Core concepts in statistical learning PL: 15.01.2018 at 12.15-14.00 in R9. Screencast first and second hour. 2 2StatLearn.html 2StatLearn.pdf 2StatLearn.Rmd 2RecEx-sol.html 2RecEx-sol.Rmd
Part B: Multivariate random vectors, covariance matrices and the multivariate normal distribution IL: 17.01.2018 at 10.15-12.00 in Smia
Recommended Exercises E: 19.01.2018 at (11.15)12.15-14.00 in Smia
4 M3: Linear Regression Part A: Aim, simple linear regression, intro to multiple linear regression

PL: 22.01.2018 at 12.15-14.00 in R9. Screencast first and second hour

3 3LinReg.html 3LinReg.pdf 3LinReg.Rmd 3LinReg-sol.html 3LinReg-sol.Rmd
Part B: Multiple linear regression (cont.). PL: 24.01.2018 at 10.15-12.00 in EL1. Screencast first and second hour
Part B (rerun for EiT-students) P/IL: 26.01.2018 at 12.15-13.00 in Smia
Recommended Exercises E: 26.01.2018 at (11.15)12.15-14.00 in Smia
5 M4: Classification Part A: Introduction, modelling class densities

PL: 29.01.2018 at 12.15-14.00 in F2. Screencast only second  hour.

4 4Classif.html 4Classif.pdf 4Classif.Rmd 4Classif-sol.html 4Classif-sol.Rmd
Part B: Focus on logistic regression, ROC, AUC PL: 31.01.2018 at 10.15-12.00 in EL1
Part B (rerun for EiT-students) P/IL: 02.02.2018 12.15-13.00 in Smia 
Recommended Exercises E: 02.02.2018 at (11.15)12.15-14.00 in Smia
6 M1-M4 Supervision and work with compulsory 1 05.02.2018 12.15-14.00 in F2, 07.02.2018 10.15-12.00 in Smia, 09.02.2018 (11.15)12.15-14.00 in Smia 1-4 Go to "Compulsory exercises" to see the exercise. Join groups BEFORE handing in exercise.