R Markdown


We will use R Markdown for our compulsory exercises in this course - you therefore need to know

  • what is R Markdown?
  • what is an YAML header?
  • what happens when I press knit?
  • how to write text and maths
  • how to include R commands
  • what if I get an error message when I knit?
  • how do I hand in compulsory exercise 1?
  • what if I want to learn more?

What is R Markdown?

1 minute introduction video

R Markdown structure

YAML Header

  • Where: at start of file, between lines of - - -
  • Optional section of render options written as key:value pairs.
  • Warning: indentation important here.

Hands-on: We look at the template for Compulsory exercise 1 at https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4268/2019v/CompEx1mal.Rmd

  • Download and open in RStudio, save with a different file name.
  • Change the name of the group and the name of the group members
  • Press the knit button and observe that happens.

In the future: If you want to make a new document in RStudio: “File New R Markdown”

Remember: for Compulsory exercise 1 we have list all packages you need to install on the top of the assignment: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4268/2019v/Compulsory1.html#r_packages Smart of you to start by installing all of these!

YAML output options

output value creates
html_document html
pdf_document pdf requires Tex
word_document Microsoft Word (.docx)
odt_document OpenDocument Text
rtf_document Rich Text Format
md_document Markdown
github_document Github compatible markdown
ioslides_presentation ioslides HTML slides
slidy_presentation slidy HTML slides
beamer_presentation Beamer pdf slides (requires Tex)

See also list of sub-options in cheat sheet. https://github.com/rstudio/cheatsheets/raw/master/rmarkdown-2.0.pdf

What happens when you press knit? (rendering)

Knitting is also done by: Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+K (MacOS).

  1. Creating documents with R Markdown starts with an .Rmd file that contains a combination of markdown (content with simple text formatting) and R code chunks.

  2. The .Rmd file is fed to knitr which executes all of the R code chunks and creates a new markdown (.md) document which includes the R code and it’s output.

  3. The markdown file generated by knitr is then processed by pandoc which is responsible for creating a finished web page, PDF, MS Word document, slide show, handout, book, dashboard, package vignette or other format.

More: About pandoc - the swiss army knife NB: even if you write tex this is first translated to md and then via pandoc to pdf, so subtile tex stuff may be missed on the way.

Do you get a separate window popping up, or is your output shown in the Viewer tab of one of the window panes? Go to RStudio-preferences-RMarkdown and check what is your value of “show output preview in”.

What output type do you want to produce?

  • Just keep track of your own work: html_document
  • For TMA4268 Compulsory exercise 1: we also ask for a pdf-file (because that is easy to read and grade when you upload that to Blackboard)
  • Module pages in TMA4268: html_document, pdf_document and beamer_presentation.

To produce a pdf_document RStudio (using pandoc) will call a latex-installation, so you need to have latex installed on your laptop to be able to produce a pdf-file.

Toggle comment/uncomment with hashtag in YAML header output to make different options active, then press knit. Alterntively this can be done by calling the function rmarkdown::render() from your Console window.

Optional: check that uncommenting pdf_document and commenting out html_document and pressing knit will give you a pdf-file.

During rendering we use the location of the .Rmd file as the working directory, and the rendering is done in a new session.

Optional: can instead run rmarkdown::render("file.Rmd","pdf_document") from command line, orrmarkdown::render("file.Rmd","html_document"). Then you can have several options in the YAML together!

Formatting your R Markdown file

Text, mathematics

  • formatted with markdown
  • mathematics (in latex) with formulas staring and ending with one $ and equation with $$
  • boldface with two stars and italic with one, new line with two spaces,
  • sections, bulleted or numbered lists, tables, footnotes, rulers,

Hands-on: go the the Compulsory exercise 1 template, look at Q1 and Q2, and and just write and press knitr to see! Try for example to answer Q1 (incorrectly) by writing \(Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1} +\varepsilon_i\) (the correct answer will use the correct model).

Code Chunks

  • Chunks of embedded code. Each chunk:
  • Begins with ```{r} and ends with ```
  • Set of code chunk options - but I have mainly used these two:
    • echo: display the code in the chunk, TRUE or FALSE or selected lines, or maybe with an R-object (later)
    • eval: run code in the chunk, TRUE or FALSE
  • Remember to include packages to be used within the chunk.
  • Chunks can have (unique) names, may help when debugging (but I have been lazy in the template).

Hands-on: go the the Compulsory exercise 1 template and insert coef(modelA) in the end of the first code chunk. Press knit to see the effect. Then change the chunk options to eval=FALSE and knit. What happens. Finally, change the chunk options to echo=FALSE and knit and observe the result.

Set-up chunk

Smart things to add to the setup-chunk:

opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 68), results = "hold", tidy = TRUE, 
    warning = FALSE, error = FALSE, message = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Calling R outside of the code chunks

Use the ` r before and ` after an R command to integrate into the text.

Hi, 2+2 is equal to `r 2+2`.

This is what we have done in the YAML-header to include todays date on your submission:

r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')


When I knit with output: pdf_document no pdf-file is produced. Why?

  • html_document is more forgiving than pdf_document wrt tex-errors
  • a tex-error is not easy to spot - log is terrible
  • many students have problems here, and some just end up handing in html or Rmd for the projects

My solution

  • first I render html_document and look for tex-errors and fix them
  • then I render pdf_document, and include keep_tex: yes yaml option
  • then I compile the tex in my favorite texshop and look for sensible log for errors,
  • and then go back to the Rmd and fix the error.
