TMA4315 Generalized linear models H2017


Mette Langaas, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU - with contributions from Øyvind Bakke, Thea Bjørnland and Ingeborg Hem

11.09, 18.09 and 25.09 [PL=plenary lecture in F3], 20.09 and 27.09 [IL=interactive lecture in Smia] (Version 16.10.2017)

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Plan for this module

Textbook: Fahrmeir et al (2013): Chapter 2.3, 5.1, B4.1-3

First week

Classnotes from first week (11.09.2017)

  • aim of binary regression
  • how to model a binary response
  • three ingredients of a GLM model
  • the logit model: logistic regression
  • interpreting the logit model - with odds
  • grouped vs. individual data

(No interactive session for the first week.)

Second week

Classnotes from second week (18.09.2017)- partially also included in the module page.

  • parameter estimation with maximum likelihood
    • likelihood, log-likelihood,
    • score function- and mean and covariance thereof,
    • (observed and expected) information matrix
  • exponential family and canonical link
  • comparison with the normal distribution - score function and Fisher information
  • iterative calculation of ML estimator (Newton-Raphson and Fisher scoring) - and in R with optim
  • asymptotic properties of ML estimators - how to use in inference?

Jump to interactive (week 2)

Third week

Classnotes from third week (25.09.2017)- mostly included in the module page.

  • more statistical inference (parameter estimation done)
    • confidence intervals
    • hypothesis testing: Wald, and likelihood ratio
  • deviance: definition, analysis of deviance, deviance residuals
  • model fit and model choice
  • overdispersion and estimating overdispersion parameter
  • sampling stragegy: cohort, but also case-control data good for logit model
  • what is not covered - compared to the multiple linear model (Module 2)?

Jump to interactive (week 3)

Aim of binary regression

  1. Construct a model to help understand the relationship between a “success probability” and one or several explanatory variables. The response measurements are binary (present/absent, true/false, healthy/diseased).
  2. Use the model for estimation and prediction of success probabilites.

Example: Mortality of beetles (individual data)

A total of 481 were exposed to 8 different consentration of CS\(_2\) (data on log10-dose). Yes, only one consentration tried for each beetle. For each beetle is was recorded if the beetle was alive or killed at the given concentration. Data for beetle \(i\): \(Y_i=0\) if beetle \(i\) was alive and \(Y_i=1\) if it was killed, and \(x_i\) is then the log10-dose beetle \(i\) was given. The table below shows the 8 values of the log10-dose against the number of beetles alive and killed. The plot shows log10-dose on the horisontal axis and fraction of beetles killed (killed/total) for each log10-dose.

# from aggregated to individual data (because these data were aggregated)
ldose = rep(beetle$ldose, beetle$n)
y = NULL
for (i in 1:8) y = c(y, rep(0, beetle$n[i] - beetle$y[i]), rep(1, beetle$y[i]))
beetleds = data.frame(killed = y, ldose = ldose)
##       ldose
## killed 1.6907 1.7242 1.7552 1.7842 1.8113 1.8369 1.861 1.8839
##      0     53     47     44     28     11      6     1      0
##      1      6     13     18     28     52     53    61     60
# plot from aggregated data
frac = beetle$y/beetle$n
dss = data.frame(fkilled = frac, ldose = beetle$ldose)
ggplot(dss, aes(ldose, fkilled)) + geom_point()


  1. What might be the effect (mathematical function) of the log10-dose on the probability of killing a beetle? A: logistic, sigmoid, normal cdf?

  2. How can this curve be part of a regression model? A: see item 3 below - the response function connects the mean of the respons to the linear predictor.

How to model a binary response?

  • In multiple linear regression we have \(Y_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta+\varepsilon_i\) with \(\varepsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)\), so that \(Y_i\sim N({\bf x}_i^T \beta,\sigma^2)\). Here \({\bf x}_i\) is our fixed (not random) \(p\)-dimensional column vector of covariates (intercept included) and \(Y_i\) is the random response, and we have independent pairs \(({\bf x}_i,Y_i)\).

  • It would not make sense to fit the continuous linear regression to \(Y_i\) when \(Y_i=\{0,1\}\) - since \(Y_i\) is not a continuous random variable, and \(Y_i\) is not normal.

  • We may assume that the binary \(Y_i\) follows a binomial distribution with \(n_i=1\) trial and success probability \(\pi_i\). Then \(\text{Var}(Y_i)=\pi_i (1-\pi_i)\) - which is not homoscedastic variances!

  • So, not a good idea to use MLR on a binary response, but can we keep some aspects of the MLR?

We consider now our alternative formulation of the regression model (from Module 2: MLR)

Multiple linear regression

  1. Distribution of response: \(Y_i\sim N(\mu_i,\sigma^2)\), where \(\mu_i\) is parameter of interest and \(\sigma^2\) is nuicance.

  2. Linear predictor: \(\eta_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta\).

  3. Connection between the linear predictor and the mean (parameter of interest): \(\mu_i=\eta_i\).

Now, we keep 2 (linear predictor) and change 1 and 3:

Binary regression

  1. \(Y_i \sim \text{bin}(n_i,\pi_i)\). First we study the case that \(n_i=1\), that is, each individual observation comes from a Bernoulli process with \(n_i=1\) trials (this version of the binomial distribution is called the Bernoulli distribution). (Remark: later we will also look at “grouped” data with \(n_i>1\).) Our parameter of interest is \(\pi_i\) which is the mean \(\text{E}(Y_i)=\mu_i=\pi_i\).

For a generalized linear model (GLM) we require that the distribution of the response is an exponential family.

  1. Linear predictor: \(\eta_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta\).

  2. We will consider different relationships between the mean \(\mu_i=\pi_i\) and the linear predictor \(\eta_i\), and define the link function \(g\) as \[g(\mu_i)=\eta_i\] and the inverse of the link function, called the response function, and denoted by \[h(\eta_i)=g^{-1}(\eta_i)=\mu_i\]

These three ingredients (exponential family distribution of reponse, linear predictor and choice of reponse or link function) give the core of our GLM model.

Popular choices for the respons function for binary regression are based on selecting a cumulative distribution function (cdf) as the response function. The cdf will always be within [0,1], and the cdf is monotone - which will help us to interpret results.

The most popular response functions are:

  • logistic cdf (with corresponding logit link function) referred to as the logit model, followed by the

  • normal cdf - (with corresponding probit link function) referred to as the probit model , and

  • the extreme minimum-value cdf (with corresponding complementary log-log link function) referred to as the complementary log-log model.

In this module we focus on the logit model.

The logit model: logistic regression

The logit model is based on the logistic cdf as the response function, given as \[ \mu_i=\pi_i=h(\eta_i)=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\] or alternatively as the link function (the inverse of the response function) \[ g(\mu_i)=h^{-1}(\mu_i)=\ln(\frac{\mu_i}{1-\mu_i})=\ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})\]

Beetle mortality: response function

In the beetle example we have a simple linear predictor: \(\eta_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_i\) where \(x_i\) is the log10-dose for beetle \(i\).

Assume that \(\beta_0=\) -60.7 and \(\beta_1=\) 34.3. (These values are estimates from our data, and we will see later how to find these estimates using maximum likelihood estimation.)

Below the response function is plotted for \(\eta_i=\)-60.7+34.3\(x_i\).

print(c(beta0, beta1))
## (Intercept)       ldose 
##       -60.7        34.3
xrange = range(beetleds$ldose)
xrange[1] = xrange[1] - 0.05
etas = beta0 + beta1 * seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], length = 100)
ggplot(data.frame(eta = range(etas), mu = c(0, 1)), aes(eta, mu)) + xlab(expression(eta)) + 
    ylab(expression(mu)) + stat_function(fun = function(eta) exp(eta)/(1 + exp(eta)), 
    geom = "line", colour = "red")

R: more on greek letters with ggplot:

Q: Explain to your neighbour what is on the x- and y-axis of this plot. Where are the observed log10-doses in this graph? A: on the x-axis is the linear predictor \(\eta=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_1\) for the given values of \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) and values for \(x_1\) is chosen from the range of the log10-dose values. On the y-axis is the model for the mean of the response, which also here is the probability of success. This is our non-linear relationship between the linear predictor and the mean = our response function.

Interpreting the logit model

If the value of the linear predictor \(\eta_i\) changes to \(\eta_i+1\) the probability \(\pi\) increases non-linearly from \(\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\) to \(\frac{\exp(\eta_i+1)}{1+\exp(\eta_i+1)}\), as shown in the graph above.

Before we go further: do you know about the odds? The ratio \(\frac{P(Y_i=1)}{P(Y_i=0)}=\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_1}\) is called the odds. If \(\pi_i=\frac{1}{2}\) then the odds is \(1\), and if \(\pi_i=\frac{1}{4}\) then the odds is \(\frac{1}{3}\). We may make a table for probability vs. odds in R:

pivec = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
odds = pivec/(1 - pivec)
kable(t(data.frame(pivec, odds)), digits = c(2, 2)) %>% kable_styling()
pivec 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.5 0.6 0.70 0.8 0.9
odds 0.11 0.25 0.43 0.67 1.0 1.5 2.33 4.0 9.0

R: Pretty table with kableExtra

Odds may be seen to be a better scale than probability to represent chance, and is used in betting. In addition, odds are unbounded above.

We may also look at the link function (inverse of the response function). Let us assume that our linear predictor has \(k\) covariates present

\[\begin{align*} \eta_i&= \beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1}+\beta_2 x_{i2}+\cdots + \beta_k x_{ik}\\ \pi_i&= \frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1-\exp(\eta_i)}\\ \eta_i&=\ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})\\ \ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})&=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1}+\beta_2 x_{i2}+\cdots + \beta_k x_{ik}\\ \frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i}=&\frac{P(Y_i=1)}{P(Y_i=0)}=\exp(\beta_0)\cdot \exp(\beta_1 x_{i1})\cdots\exp(\beta_k x_{ik}) \end{align*}\]

We have a multiplicative model for the odds.

So, what if we increase \(x_{1i}\) to \(x_{1i}+1\)?

If the covariate \(x_{1i}\) increases by one unit (while all other covariates are kept fixed) then the odds is multiplied by \(\exp(\beta_1)\):

\[\begin{align*} \frac{P(Y_i=1\mid x_{i1}+1)}{P(Y_i=0)\mid x_{i1}+1)}&=\exp(\beta_0)\cdot \exp(\beta_1 (x_{i1}+1))\cdots\exp(\beta_k x_{ik})\\ &=\exp(\beta_0)\cdot \exp(\beta_1 x_{i1})\exp(\beta_1)\cdots\exp(\beta_k x_{ik})\\ &=\frac{P(Y_i=1\mid x_{i1})}{P(Y_i=0)\mid x_{i1})}\cdot \exp(\beta_1)\\ \end{align*}\]

This means that if \(x_{i1}\) increases by \(1\) then: if \(\beta_1<0\) we get a decrease in the odds, if \(\beta_1=0\) no change, and if \(\beta_1>0\) we have an increase. In the logit model \(\exp(\beta_1)\) is easier to interpret than \(\beta_1\).

So, to sum up: for the linear predictor we interpret effects in the same way as for the linear model (in Module 2), then we transform this linear effect in \(\eta\) into a nonlinear effect for \(\pi=\frac{\exp(\eta)}{1+\exp(\eta)}\), and use the odds to interpret changes.

Infant respitory disease : interpretation of parameter estimates

(This example is taken from Faraway (2006): “Extending the linar model with R”)

We select a sample of newborn babies (girls and boys) where the parents had decided on the method of feeding (bottle, breast, breast with some supplement), and then monitored the babies during their first year to see if they developed infant respiratory disease (the event we want to model). We fit a logistic regression to the data, and focus on the parameter estimates.

##   disease nondisease  sex   food
## 1      77        381  Boy Bottle
## 2      19        128  Boy  Suppl
## 3      47        447  Boy Breast
## 4      48        336 Girl Bottle
## 5      16        111 Girl  Suppl
## 6      31        433 Girl Breast
xtabs(disease/(disease + nondisease) ~ sex + food, babyfood)
##       food
## sex        Bottle     Breast      Suppl
##   Boy  0.16812227 0.09514170 0.12925170
##   Girl 0.12500000 0.06681034 0.12598425
fit = glm(cbind(disease, nondisease) ~ sex + food, family = binomial(link = logit), 
    data = babyfood)
## Call:
## glm(formula = cbind(disease, nondisease) ~ sex + food, family = binomial(link = logit), 
##     data = babyfood)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##       1        2        3        4        5        6  
##  0.1096  -0.5052   0.1922  -0.1342   0.5896  -0.2284  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  -1.6127     0.1124 -14.347  < 2e-16 ***
## sexGirl      -0.3126     0.1410  -2.216   0.0267 *  
## foodBreast   -0.6693     0.1530  -4.374 1.22e-05 ***
## foodSuppl    -0.1725     0.2056  -0.839   0.4013    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 26.37529  on 5  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  0.72192  on 2  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 40.24
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
## (Intercept)     sexGirl  foodBreast   foodSuppl 
##   0.1993479   0.7315770   0.5120696   0.8415226
predict(fit, type = "response")  #gives predicted probabilites
##          1          2          3          4          5          6 
## 0.16621356 0.14365654 0.09262485 0.12727653 0.10931093 0.06948992

Q: for answers see Classnotes from first week (11.09.2017).

Observe that the two factors by default is coded with dummy variable coding, and that sexBoy is the refrence category for sex and foodBottle the reference category for feeding method.

1: Explain how to interpret the Estimate for sexGirl, foodBreast and foodSuppl.

2: What are the 6 values given by the call to predict? What is the least favourable combination of sex and method of feeding? And the most favourable?

More response function plots for the logit model

The response function as a function of the covariate \(x\) and not of \(\eta\). Solid lines: \(\beta_0=0\) and \(\beta_1\) is \(0.8\) (blue), \(1\) (red) and \(2\) (orange), and dashed lines with \(\beta_1=1\).

ggplot(data.frame(x = c(-6, 5)), aes(x)) + xlab(expression(x)) + ylab(expression(mu)) + 
    stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)), geom = "line", colour = "red") + 
    stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(2 * x)/(1 + exp(2 * x)), geom = "line", 
        colour = "orange") + stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(0.8 * x)/(1 + 
    exp(0.8 * x)), geom = "line", colour = "blue") + stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(1 + 
    x)/(1 + exp(1 + x)), geom = "line", colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
    stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(1 + 2 * x)/(1 + exp(1 + 2 * x)), geom = "line", 
        colour = "orange", linetype = "dashed") + stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(1 + 
    0.8 * x)/(1 + exp(1 + 0.8 * x)), geom = "line", colour = "blue", linetype = "dashed") + 
    scale_colour_manual("0+k x", values = c("red", "orange", "blue"), labels = c("1", 
        "2", "0.8"))

Grouped vs. individual data

So far we have only mentioned individual (ungrouped) data. That is, every \(Y_i\) is 0 or 1 and has a corresponding covariate vector \({\bf x}_i\) - and together they form one unit. \[Y_i \sim \text{bin}(n_i=1,\pi_i)\] However, in both the examples we have looked at some covariate vectors are identical (rows in the design matrix are identical), and then we say we have grouped data.

knitr::kable(babyfood) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))
disease nondisease sex food
77 381 Boy Bottle
19 128 Boy Suppl
47 447 Boy Breast
48 336 Girl Bottle
16 111 Girl Suppl
31 433 Girl Breast

Here we have 6 groups of covariate patterns. The first group has covariates Boy and Bottle, there are 77+381= 458 babies with this combination and 77 of these got the disease.

We prefer to group data if possible. Grouping is good because then data can be kept in a condenced form, it will speed up computations and makes model diagnosis possible (week 3).

For the grouped data we still have a binomial distribution, and one model is to define \(n_j\bar{Y_j}\) to be the number of successes in group \(j\), which means that \(\bar{Y_j}=\frac{1}{n_j}\sum Y_i\) where the sum is over all \(i\) in group \(j\). Further \[ n_j\bar{Y_j} \sim \text{bin}(n_j,\pi_j)\] such that \(\text{E}(n_j\bar{Y_j})=n_j \pi_j\) and \(\text{Var}(n_j\bar{Y_j})=n_j \pi_j(1-\pi_j)\).

\(\oplus\) What to remember?

Beetle example:

  • want to model the relationship between “probability of killing a beetle” and “log10-dose of chemical administrated”.
  • Data on killed/alive at different log10-doses of chemical administered.


dss = data.frame(fkilled = investr::beetle$y/investr::beetle$n, ldose = investr::beetle$ldose)
ggplot(dss) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = ldose, y = fkilled))

Infant respitory disease example:

  • want to relate “probability of developing infant respitory disease” to sex of infant and feeding method (bottle, breast, supplement).
  • Data on disease status, sex and feeding method.


Model probability, observe binary response, and covariates (continuous/categorical).

xtabs(disease/(disease + nondisease) ~ sex + food, babyfood)
##       food
## sex        Bottle     Breast      Suppl
##   Boy  0.16812227 0.09514170 0.12925170
##   Girl 0.12500000 0.06681034 0.12598425

Likelihood and derivations thereof

Our parameter of interest is the vector \(\beta\) of regression coefficients, and we have no nuicance parameters. We would like to estimate \(\beta\) from maximizing the likelihood, but we will soon see that we have no closed form solution. First we look at the likelihood, the log-likelihood and first and second derivatives thereof.


  1. \(Y_i \sim \text{bin}(n_i,\pi_i)\), with \(n_i=1\), and \(\text{E}(Y_i)=\mu_i=\pi_i\), and \(\text{Var}(Y_i)=\pi_i(1-\pi_i)\).

  2. Linear predictor: \(\eta_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta\).

  3. Logit link \[\eta_i=\ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})=g(\mu_i)\] and (inverse thereof) logistic response function \[\mu_i=\pi_i=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}=h(\eta_i)\]

We will also need: \[(1-\pi_i)=\frac{1}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}.\]

Likelihood \(L(\beta)\)

We assume that pairs of covariates and response are measured independently of each other: \(({\bf x}_i,Y_i)\), and \(Y_i\) follows the distribution specified above, and \({\bf x}_i\) is fixed.

\[L(\beta)=\prod_{i=1}^n L_i(\beta)=\prod_{i=1}^n f(y_i; \beta)=\prod_{i=1}^n\pi_i^{y_i}(1-\pi_i)^{1-y_i}\]

Q: What is the interpretation of the likelihood? Is it not a misuse of notation to write \(L(\beta)\) when the right hand side does not involve \(\beta\)? A: The likelihood is the joint distribution of the responses, but with focus on the unknown parameter vector. Yes, a slight misuse of notation, need to fill in \(\pi_i=h(\eta_i)\) and \(\eta_i={\bf x}^T\beta\) to write out \(L(\beta)\), really. But we keep this version because when we want to take the partical derivatives we will use the chain rule.

Loglikelihood \(l(\beta)\)

The log-likelihood is just the natural log of the likelihood, and we work with the log-likelihood because this makes the mathematics simpler - since we work with exponential families. The main aim with the likelihood is to maximize it to find the maximum likelihood estimate, and since the log is a monotone function the maximum of the log-likelihood will be in the same place as the maximum of the likelihood.

\[\begin{align} l(\beta)&=\ln L(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n \ln L_i(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n l_i(\beta)\\ &=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i \ln \pi_i+(1-y_i) \ln(1-\pi_i)]\\ &=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i \ln (\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})+\ln(1-\pi_i)] \end{align}\]

Observe that the log-likelihood is a sum of invidual contributions for each observation pair \(i\).

The log-likelihood is now expressed as a function of \(\pi_i\), but we want to make this a function of \(\beta\) and the connection between \(\pi_i\) and \(\beta\) goes through \(\eta_i\). We have that \(\pi=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\) and in our log-likelihood we need \[(1-\pi_i)=\frac{1}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}=\frac{1+\exp(\eta_i)-\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}=\frac{1}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\] and \[\ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_1})=\eta_i\] (the last is our logit link function). Then we get:

\[l(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i \eta_i + \ln (\frac{1}{1+\exp(\eta_i)})]=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i \eta_i - \ln (1+\exp(\eta_i))]\] which is now our function of \(\eta_i\).

Finally, since \(\eta_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta\), \[l(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i {\bf x}_i^T \beta - \ln (1+\exp({\bf x}_i^T \beta))].\]

Q: What does the graph of \(l\) look like as a function of \(\beta\)? A: see solutions to interactive session week 2.

If we look at the beetle example we only have one covariate (in addition to the intercept) - so this means that we have \(\beta=(\beta_0,\beta_1)\). Plotting the log-likelihood (for the beetle data set) will be one of the tasks for the interactive session.

But, next we take partial derivatives, and then we will (instead of using this formula) look at \(l_i(\beta)=l_i(\pi_i(\eta_i(\beta)))\) and use the chain rule.

Remark: this will be the general way of thinking for the GLMs, the only difference is that in general we use \(\mu_i\) in place of \(\pi_i\).

Score function \(s(\beta)\)

The score function is a \(p\times 1\) vector, \(s(\beta)\), with the partial derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect to the \(p\) elements of the \(\beta\) vector.

Q: Write down the rules for derivatives: chain rule, product rule, fraction rule, and in particular derivative of \(\ln(x)\), \(\exp(x)\) and \(\frac{1}{x}\), you will need them now. (Yes, known from the R1 course in vgs.) A: Chain rule: \(\frac{d f(u(x))}{du}=\frac{df}{du}\cdot \frac{du}{dx}\), product rule: \((u\cdot v)'=u'\cdot v+u\cdot v'\), fraction rule: \((\frac{u}{v})'=\frac{u' \cdot v - u\cdot v'}{v^2}\), \(\frac{d \ln(x)}{dx}=\frac{1}{x}\), \(\frac{d\exp(x)}{dx}=\exp(x)\) and \(\frac{d(\frac{1}{x})}{dx}=-\frac{1}{x^2}\).

Here we go: \[s(\beta)=\frac{\partial l(\beta)}{\partial \beta}= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial l_i(\beta)}{\partial \beta}= \sum_{i=1}^n s_i(\beta)\]

Again, observe that the score function is a sum of individual contributions for each observation pair \(i\).

We will use the chain rule to calculate \(s_i(\beta)\).

\[s_i(\beta)=\frac{\partial l_i(\beta)}{\partial \beta}=\frac{\partial l_i(\beta)}{\partial \eta_i}\cdot \frac{\partial \eta_i}{\partial \beta}=\frac{\partial [y_i\eta_i-\ln(1+{\exp(\eta_i)})]}{\partial \eta_i}\cdot \frac{\partial [{\bf x}_i^T\beta ]}{\partial \beta}=(y_i-\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)})\cdot {\bf x}_i=(y_i-\pi_i) {\bf x}_i \]

Here we have used the general rule for all partial derivatives of scalar with respect to vector (also used in TMA4267): \[\frac{\partial{\bf a}^T{\bf b}}{\partial {\bf b}}={\bf a}\] and later we will also need \[\frac{\partial{\bf a}^T{\bf b}}{\partial {\bf b}^T}=(\frac{\partial{\bf a}^T{\bf b}}{\partial {\bf b}})^T={\bf a}^T.\]

The score function is given as:

\[s(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n s_i(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i (y_i-\pi_i)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i (y_i-\frac{\exp({\bf x}_i^T\beta)}{1+\exp({\bf x}_i^T\beta)})\]

To find the maximum likelihood estimate \(\hat{\beta}\) we solve the set of \(p\) non-linear equations: \[s(\hat{\beta})=0\]

We will soon see how we can do that using the Newton-Raphson or Fisher Scoring iterative methods, but first we will work on finding the mean and covariance matrix of the score vector - and the derivatives of the score vector (the Hessian, which is minus the observed Fisher matrix).

Remark: in Module 5 we will see that the general formula for GLMs is: \[s(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n [\frac{y_i-\mu_i}{\text{Var}(Y_i)}{\bf x}_i \frac{\partial \mu_i}{\partial \eta_i}]=\sum_{i=1}^n [\frac{y_i-\mu_i}{\text{Var}(Y_i)}{\bf x}_i h'(\eta_i)]={\bf X}^T {\bf D} \Sigma^{-1} ({\bf y} -\mu)\] where \({\bf X}\) is the \(n\times p\) design matrix, \({\bf D}=\text{diag}(h'(\eta_1),h'(\eta_2),\ldots,h'(\eta_n))\) is a diagonal matrix with the derivatives of the response function evaluated at each observation. Further, \(\Sigma=\text{diag}(\text{Var}(Y_1),\text{Var}(Y_2),\ldots,\text{Var}(Y_n))\) is a diagonal matrix with the variance for each response, and \({\bf y}\) is the observed \(n\times 1\) vector of responses and \(\mu\) is the \(n\times 1\) vector of individual expectations \(\mu_i=\text{E}(Y_i)=h(\eta_i)\).

More in Module 5.

Properties of the score function

Since the score function depends on \(Y_i=y_i\) we may regard the score function as a random vector. We will now calculate the mean and covariance matrix for the score function. The expected value is

\[E(s(\beta)) = E(\sum_{i=1}^n(Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i) = \sum_{i=1}^nE((Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i) = \sum_{i=1}^n(E(Y_i)-\pi_i){\bf x}_i = 0 \]

as \(E(Y_i) = \pi_i\). We also see that \(E(s_i(\beta)) = E((Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i) = 0 \ \forall i\).

The expected Fisher information matrix \(F(\beta)\)

The covariance of \(s(\beta)\) is called the expected Fisher information matrix, \(F(\beta)\) and is given by

\[\begin{align} F(\beta) &= \text{Cov}(s(\beta)) = \sum_{i=1}^n \text{Cov}(s_i(\beta)) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n E\left[\Big(s_i(\beta) - E(s_i(\beta))\Big)\Big(s_i(\beta)-E(s_i(\beta))\Big)^T\right] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n E(s_i(\beta)s_i(\beta)^T) = \sum_{i=1}^n F_i(\beta) \end{align}\]

where it is used that the responses \(Y_i\) and \(Y_j\) are independent, and that \(E(s_i(\beta)) = 0 \ \forall i\).

Remember that \(s_i(\beta)=(Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i\), then:

\[ F_i(\beta) = E(s_i(\beta)s_i(\beta)^T) = E((Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i(Y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i^T) = {\bf x}_i{\bf x}_i^T E((Y_i-\pi_i)^2) = {\bf x}_i{\bf x}_i^T \pi_i(1-\pi_i) \] where \(E((Y_i-\pi_i)^2)=\text{Var}(Y_i)=\pi_i(1-\pi_i)\) is the variance of \(Y_i\). Thus

\[F(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i{\bf x}_i^T \pi_i(1-\pi_i).\]

A useful relationship: Under mild regularity conditions (so we can change the order of \(\int\) and \(\frac{\partial}{\partial \beta}\)):

\[F(\beta) = E\left( -\frac{\partial^2l(\beta)}{\partial\beta\partial\beta^T} \right) = E(-\text{Hessian matrix of }l)\] which relates the expected to the observed Fisher information matrix.

Do you want to see a proof? Beyond the scope of this course, but contact Mette and proof can be added.

Observed Fisher information matrix \(H(\beta)\)

\[H(\beta) = -\frac{\partial^2l(\beta)}{\partial\beta\partial\beta^T} = -\frac{\partial s(\beta)}{\partial\beta^T} = \frac{\partial}{\partial\beta^T}\left[\sum_{i=1}^n (\pi_i-y_i){\bf x}_i \right] \]

because \(s(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\pi_i){\bf x}_i\) and hence \(-s(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n (\pi_i-y_i){\bf x}_i\). Note that \(\pi_i = \pi_i(\beta)\).

\[H(\beta) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial}{\partial\beta^T}[{\bf x}_i\pi_i-{\bf x}_iy_i] = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial}{\partial\beta^T}{\bf x}_i\pi_i = \sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i \frac{\partial \pi_i}{\partial \eta_i} \frac{\partial \eta_i}{\partial \beta^T} \]

Use that

\[ \frac{\partial \eta_i}{\partial \beta^T}=\frac{\partial {\bf x}_i^T\beta}{\partial \beta^T} = \left(\frac{\partial {\bf x}_i^T\beta}{\partial \beta}\right)^T = {\bf x}_i^T \]


\[ \frac{\partial \pi_i}{\partial \eta_i} = \frac{\partial\left(\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\right)}{\partial \eta_i} = \frac{(1+\exp(\eta_i))\exp(\eta_i) - \exp(\eta_i)\exp(\eta_i)}{(1+\exp(\eta_i))^2} = \pi_i (1-\pi_i).\]

And thus

\[H(\beta) =\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i\pi_i(1-\pi_i) {\bf x}_i^T = \sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i{\bf x}_i^T \pi_i(1-\pi_i).\] Note that the observed and the expected Fisher information matrix are equal (see below - canonical link - that this is a general finding).

Individual vs. grouped data

We have now found the log-likelihood, score function, expected and observed Fisher information matrix for individual data (\(n_i=1\)). Here we only report the extension to grouped data with \(n_i\) observations for each covariate pattern.

Q: What is a covariate pattern? A: a set of values for covariates that are the same for a group of individual data. For the beetle example we have 8 covariate patterns - the 8 dosages, while for the infant respiratory disease we have 6 covariate patterns (boy, girl)\(\times\)(bottle, supplement, breast). So, unique rows of the design matrix.


  • Individual data: \(i=1,\ldots, n\), and pairs \(({\bf x}_i,y_i)\).
  • Grouped data: \(j=1,\ldots, G\) with \(n_j\) observations for group \(j\), and \(Y_j=\sum Y_i\) for all \(i\) member of group \(j\). In total \(\sum_{j=1}^G n_j\) observations. For each pair \(({\bf x}_j, y_j)\), where \({\bf x}_j\) the covariate pattern for group \(j\).

NB: we keep that \(\eta_i=\ln (\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})\) - not changed for grouped data (but now \(\mu_j=n_j\pi_j\)).


Individual: \[l(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i \ln \pi_i-y_i\ln(1-\pi_i)+\ln(1-\pi_i)]\] Grouped: \[l(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G[y_j \ln \pi_j-y_j\ln(1-\pi_j)+n_j\ln(1-\pi_j)+ \ln {n_j \choose y_j}]\] The last part is usually not include in calculations.

Score function:

Individual: \[s(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i (y_i-\pi_i)\]

Grouped: \[s(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j (y_j-n_j\pi_j)\]

Expected Fisher information matrix:


\[F(\beta)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf x}_i {\bf x}_i^T\pi_i (1-\pi_i)\]


\[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\]

The observed Fisher information matrix equals the expected Fisher information matrix - since the logit model gives the canonical link.

Parameter estimation - in practice

To find the ML estimate \(\hat{\beta}\) we need to solve \[s(\hat{\beta})=0\] We have that the score function for the logit model is: \[s(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j (y_j-n_j\pi_j)\] where \(\pi_j=\frac{\exp({\bf x}_j^T\hat{\beta})}{1+\exp({\bf x}_j^T\hat{\beta})}\). Observe that this is a non-linear function in \(\beta\), and has no closed form solution.

Iterative gradient-based methods

Back to the general case - we may use a first order multivariate Taylor approximation for \(s(\hat{\beta})\), around some chosen reference value \(\beta^{(0)}\): \[s(\hat{\beta})\approx s(\beta^{(0)})+\frac{\partial s(\beta)}{\partial \beta}\big\rvert_{\beta=\beta^{(0)}} (\hat{\beta}-\beta^{(0)})\]

Let \(H(\beta^{(0)})=-\frac{\partial s(\beta)}{\partial \beta}\big\rvert_{\beta=\beta^{(0)}}\). Setting \(s(\hat{\beta})=0\) solving for \(\hat{\beta}\) gives \[ \hat{\beta}=\beta^{(0)} + H(\beta^{(0)})^{-1} s(\beta^{(0)})\] where \(H(\beta^{(0)})^{-1}\) is the matrix inverse of \(H(\beta^{(0)})\).

If we start with some value \(\beta^{(0)}\) and then find a new value \(\beta^{(1)}\) by applying this equation, and then continue applying the equation until convergence we have the Newton-Raphson method:

\[\beta^{(t+1)}=\beta^{(t)} + H(\beta^{(t)})^{-1} s(\beta^{(t)})\]

Replacing the observed Fisher information matrix \(F\) with the expected Fisher information matrix \(F\) yields the Fisher-scoring method.

For the logit model these two methods are the same since the observed and expected Fisher information matrix is the same for canonical link functions (like the logit is for binary regression).

This algorithm is run until the relative difference in Euclidean distance between two iterations “(new-old)/old” is smaller than some chosen constant.

Requirements for convergence

For the Newton-Raphson algorithm we see that the observed Fisher information matrix \(H\) needs to be invertible for all \(\beta\), alternatively for the Fisher scoring algorithm the expected Fisher information matrix \(F\) needs to be invertible.

In our logit model \[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\]

Let \({\bf X}\) be the design matrix, where the rows are \({\bf x}_j^T\). Then \({\bf X}^T{\bf X}=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T\).

If we require that the design matrix has full rank (\(G\)) then also \({\bf X}^T{\bf X}\) will have full rank (it will also be positive definite) and and in addition \(\pi_j(1-\pi_j)>0\) for all \(\pi_j \in (0,1)\), so then \(F(\beta)\) will be positive definite and all is good.

Why is \(F(\beta)\) positive definite if we require that the design matrix has full rank? Formally, let \({\bf X}\) be a \(n\times p\) matrix and \(\Lambda\) a \(n\times n\) diagonal matrix where all the diagonal elements are positive (like our \(\pi_j(1-\pi_j)\), yes, put them on the diagonal). Let \({\bf X}\) have independent columnes (full rank) \(\Leftrightarrow\) \({\bf X}^T\Lambda{\bf X}\) is positive definite.

Proof: \(\Rightarrow\): Let \({\bf v}\) be a \(p\) dimensional column vector. Assume \(0={\bf v}^T {\bf X}^T \Lambda {\bf X} {\bf v}=(\Lambda^{1/2}{\bf X}{\bf v})^T(\Lambda^{1/2}{\bf X}{\bf v})=\sum_{i=1}^n w_i^2\) where \({\bf W}=\Lambda^{1/2}{\bf X}{\bf v}\). Then, \(w\) must be 0, that is \(\Lambda^{1/2}{\bf X}{\bf v}=0\) since multiplication with \(\Lambda^{1/2}\) is to multiply each element in \({\bf X}{\bf v}\) with a number different from 0. That is, we must have \({\bf v}={\bf 0}\) since \({\bf X}\) has independent columns.

\(\Leftarrow\): Assume that \({\bf X}{\bf v}={\bf 0}\). Then \({\bf v}^T {\bf X}^T \Lambda {\bf X} {\bf v}={\bf 0}\) so \({\bf v}={\bf 0}\) since \({\bf X}^T\Lambda{\bf X}\) is positive definite. This is, \({\bf X}\) has independent columns.

End of proof

Therefore, for GLMs we will also - as for the multiple linear regression model in Module 2 - assume that the design matrix has full rank!

We will see in Module 5 that this is the requirement needed for GLMs in general.

However, it is possible that the algorithm does not converge. This may happen for “unfavorable” data configurations (especially for small samples). Accoring to our text book, Fahrmeir et al (2013), page 284, the conditions for uniqueness and existence of ML estimators are very complex, and the authors suggest that the GLM user instead checks for convergence in practice by performing the iterations.

Asymptotic properties of ML estimates

Under some (weak) regularity conditions:

Let \(\hat{\beta}\) be the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate in the GLM model. As the total sample size increases, \(n\rightarrow \infty\):

  1. \(\hat{\beta}\) exists
  2. \(\hat{\beta}\) is consistent (convergence in probability, yielding asymptotically unbiased estimator, variances goes towards 0)
  3. \(\hat{\beta} \approx N_p(\beta,F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}))\)

Observe that this means that asymptotically \(\text{Cov}(\hat{\beta})=F^{-1}(\hat{\beta})\): the inverse of the expected Fisher information matrix evaluated at the ML estimate.

It is beyond the scope of this course to prove result 3 above, but we will make use of this result a log. The proof (for the univariate case) is given in the course TMA4295 Statistical Inference course - but if you want to see the proof contact Mette and a proof will be added.

Look back at MLR - what is \(s(\beta)\) and \(F(\beta)\) then?

  1. \(Y_i \sim \text{N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2)\)

  2. \(\eta_j = x_i^T\beta\)

  3. \(\mu_i = \eta_i\) (identity response function and link function)


\[L(\beta) = \left(\frac{1}{2\pi}\right)^{n/2}\left(\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\right)^{n/2} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(y-{\bf X}\beta)^T(y-{\bf X}\beta)\right)\]

Loglikelihood: \[l(\beta) = \ln L(\beta) = -\frac{n}{2} \ln (2\pi) - \frac{n}{2} \ln (\sigma^2) - \frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(y-{\bf X}\beta)^T(y-{\bf X}\beta)\]

Since \((y-{\bf X}\beta)^T(y-{\bf X}\beta) = Y^TY - 2Y^T{\bf X}\beta + \beta^T{\bf X}^T{\bf X}\beta\), then

\[s(\beta) = \frac{\partial l(\beta)}{\partial \beta} = -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(2{\bf X}^T{\bf X}\beta-2{\bf X}^TY) = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}({\bf X}^TY - {\bf X}^T{\bf X}\beta)\]

and \(s(\hat{\beta}) = 0\) gives \({\bf X}^TY - {\bf X}^T{\bf X}\beta = 0\) which can be solved on closed form giving \(\hat{\beta} = ({\bf X}^T{\bf X})^{-1}{\bf X}^TY\). So, no need for iterative methods.

Finally, observed Fisher information matrix.

\[H(\beta) = \frac{\partial s(\beta)}{\partial \beta^T} = -\frac{\partial}{\partial \beta_T}(\frac{1}{\sigma^2}{\bf X}^TY - \frac{1}{\sigma^2}{\bf X}^T{\bf X}\beta) = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}{\bf X}^T{\bf X}\]

which is independent on \(\beta\), and also we see that \(F(\beta)=\text{E}(H(\beta))=H(\beta)\) since no random variables are present. The identity link is also the canonical link. Finally, the (asymptotic) covariance of the ML estimate is \(F^{-1}(\hat{\beta})=({\bf X}^T{\bf X})^{-1}\sigma^2\) which we know as \(\text{Cov}(\hat{\beta})\).

Interactive session - second week

Theoretical questions - with and without use of R

We will for only work with the binary regression model with the logit link - as decribed in week 1 and 2 of this module.

  1. Log-likelihood.
  • What is the definition of the log-likelihood?

For the logit model the log-likelihood is \[l(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G[\ln \binom{n_j}{y_j}+ y_j \ln \pi_j-y_j\ln(1-\pi_j)+n_j\ln(1-\pi_j)]\] for grouped data.

  • Where is \(\beta\) in this expression? Rewrite this to be a function of \(\beta\).

  • Why can we ignore the normalization constant (what is the normalization constant) in the case of \(n_j = 1 \ \forall j\)? Considering what the log-likelihood is used for, why can we ignore the normalization constant in all cases (i.e., also when \(n_j \neq 1\))?

  • What does this graph of \(l\) look like as a function of \(\beta\) for the beetle data? The beetle data has only one covariate (in addition to the intercept) - so this means that we have \(\beta=(\beta_0,\beta_1)\). Define a function in R that calculates the log-likelihood for any given data set. Input parameters should be the design matrix, the \(n_j\)-vector, the vector of responses and the regression coefficient vector. Output should be the value of \(l(\beta)\).
    Plot the log-likelihood for the beetle data set on a grid where \(\beta_0 \in [-80,40]\) and \(\beta_1 \in [20,50]\) (do not include the normalization constant).
    R hints: seq in R takes a start value, an end value, and e.g. the length of a vector starting at the start value and ending at the end value. geom_raster in ggplot2 can be used to plot 3-dimensional data, use \(\beta_0\) on one axis, and \(\beta_1\) on the other. Use the following function head to avoid rewriting later: loglik <- function(par, args), where args is a list containing everything that is not the parameters \(\beta\) (which goes into par).

  1. What is the definition of the score function? What do we need the score function for?

  2. Fisher information.

  • What is the definition of the expected and the observed Fisher information matrix? What is the role of these matrices in ML estimation?

For the logit model with grouped data (canonical link) the expected and the observed Fisher information matrix are equal and given as

\[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\]

  • Where is \(\beta\) in this expression?
  1. To find the ML estimate for \(\beta\) we may either use the function glm or optimize the log-likelihood manually. We will do both.
  • First we use the glm function in R.
# from aggregated to individual data (because these data were aggregated)
ldose = rep(investr::beetle$ldose, investr::beetle$n)
y = NULL
for (i in 1:8) y = c(y, rep(0, investr::beetle$n[i] - investr::beetle$y[i]), 
    rep(1, investr::beetle$y[i]))
beetleds = data.frame(killed = y, ldose = ldose)

fitind = glm(killed ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = beetleds)  # individual data
fitgrouped = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)  # grouped data. response is #success AND #fails (here we have defined a dead beetle as a success)

What is the default convergence criterion for the glm? (Note: IRWLS used in glm - more in Module 5.)

You have already implemented the log-likelihood as a function, now use this together with the optim function on the beetle data set (Hint: see the details to get optim to maximize). Do you get the same ML estimate as glm? Provide to optim also the formula for score function (which is the gradient function for the log-likelihood function, and is a vector) - does that change the final estimate?

  1. Properties of the ML estimate: \(\hat{\beta} \approx N_p(\beta,F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}))\).
  • Calculate the asymptotic covariance matric for the beetle example without using glm.

  • Use summary.glm to check your results (you only need to check the diagonal elements of your covariance matrix).

  • Interpret the estimated \(\beta\)´s. Odds ratio is useful for this. Plot the predicted probability of a beetle dying against the dosage and discuss what you see.

What to remember?

Aim of binary regression:

  1. Construct a model to help understand the relationship between a “success probability” and one or several explanatory variables. The response measurements are binary (present/absent, true/false, healthy/diseased).
  2. Use the model for estimation and prediction of success probabilites.

Our two examples:

  • probability of killing a beetle, for given dose chemicals

  • probability for getting infant respiratory disease, covariates are sex of infant (boy, girl) and method of feeding (bottle, supplement, breast)


  1. \(Y_i \sim \text{bin}(n_i,\pi_i)\), with \(n_i=1\), and \(\text{E}(Y_i)=\mu_i=\pi_i\), and \(\text{Var}(Y_i)=\pi_i(1-\pi_i)\).

  2. Linear predictor: \(\eta_i={\bf x}_i^T \beta\).

  3. Logit link \[\eta_i=\ln(\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i})\] and (inverse thereof) logistic response function \[\pi_i=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}=h(\eta_i)\]

Remark: we set up the model with \(n_i=1\), and next we will move to \(n_j\ge 1\), but we will still keep the same logit link (we will not add a \(n_j\) to the link and \(\eta_j\) will still be a function of the mean).

Parameter estimation

Parameter estimation can be based on grouped data - so now we use \(Y_j \sim \text{bin}(n_j,\pi_j)\) from 1 above, but keep 2 and 3 unchanged. The number of groups is \(G\) and the total number of observations is \(\sum_{j=1}^G n_j\).

  • Likelihood=joint distribution, exponential family. \[ f(y\mid \theta)=\exp \left( \frac{y \theta-b(\theta)}{\phi}\cdot w + c(y, \phi, w) \right) \] where we have that \(\theta=\ln(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi})\) for the binomial distribution, which means that our logit model is gives the canonical link (remember, good properties!).

  • Log-likelihood \[l(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G[y_j \ln \pi_j-y_j\ln(1-\pi_j)+n_j\ln(1-\pi_j)+ \ln {n_j \choose y_j}]\]

  • Score function=vector of partial derivatives of log-likelihood. Find ML by solving \(s(\hat{\beta)})=0\) - but no closed form solutions. \[s(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j (y_j-n_j\pi_j)\]
  • Expected Fisher information matrix \[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\]
  • \(\hat{\beta}\) found iteratively using Newton-Raphson or Fisher scoring \[\beta^{(t+1)}=\beta^{(t)} + F(\beta^{(t)})^{-1} s(\beta^{(t)})\]

  • \(\hat{\beta} \approx N_p(\beta,F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}))\)

Further statistical inference

Our further statistical inference (confidence intervals and hypotheses tests) are based on the asymptotic distribution of the parameter estimates \[\hat{\beta} \approx N_p(\beta,F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}))\] where \(F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}))\) is the inverse of the expected Fisher information matrix inserted \(\hat{\beta}\).

For the logit model we found that \[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\] So we would need to do \(\pi_j=\frac{\exp(\eta-j)}{1+\exp(\eta_j)}\) and \(\eta_j={\bf x}_j^T\beta\) as “usual”, and then replace \(\beta\) with \(\hat{\beta}\).

If we make a diagonal matrix \({\bf W}\) with \(n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\) on the diagonal, then we may write the matrix \(F(\beta)\) in matrix notation. As before \({\bf X}\) is the \(G\times p\) design matrix.

\[F(\beta)=\sum_{j=1}^G {\bf x}_j {\bf x}_j^T n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)={\bf X}^T {\bf W} {\bf X}.\] which means that \(\text{Cov}(\hat{\beta})=({\bf X}^T {\bf W} {\bf X})^{-1}\) for the binomial model (remember that \(\hat{\beta}\) comes in with \(\hat{\pi}_j\) in \({\bf W}\)).

Q: How is this compared to the normal case?

A: \(F(\beta)=\frac{1}{\sigma^2}{\bf X}^T{\bf X}\), and the inverse \(\text{Cov}(\hat{\beta})=({\bf X}^T {\bf X})^{-1}\sigma^2\).

Let \({\bf A}(\beta)=F^{-1}(\beta)\), and \(a_{kk}(\beta)\) is diagonal element number \(k\).

For one element of the parameter vector: \[ Z_k=\frac{\hat{\beta}_k-\beta_k}{\sqrt{a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})}}\] is standard normal. We will use this now!

Q: Where can you find \(\hat{\beta}\) and \(F^{-1}(\hat{\beta})\) in the print-out below?

fitgrouped = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
## Call:
## glm(formula = cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.5941  -0.3944   0.8329   1.2592   1.5940  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  -60.717      5.181  -11.72   <2e-16 ***
## ldose         34.270      2.912   11.77   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 284.202  on 7  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  11.232  on 6  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 41.43
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
##             (Intercept)      ldose
## (Intercept)    26.83966 -15.082090
## ldose         -15.08209   8.480525
## (Intercept)       ldose 
##    5.180701    2.912134

Note: cov.unscaled is the estimated covariance matrix for the estimated coefficients, and cov.scaled is the the cov.unscaled scaled with the dispersion parameter. For the binomial the dispersion is equal to 1, so no difference between the two.

Confidence intervals

In addition to providing a parameter estimate for each element of our parameter vector \(\beta\) we should also report a \((1-\alpha)100\)% confidence interval (CI) for each element.

We focus on element \(k\) of \(\beta\), called \(\beta_k\). It is known that asympotically \[ Z_k=\frac{\hat{\beta}_k-\beta_k}{\sqrt{a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})}}\] is standard normal. We use that to form confidence intervals.

Let \(z_{\alpha/2}\) be such that \(P(Z_k>z_{\alpha/2})=\alpha/2\). REMARK: our textbook would here look at area to the left instead of to the right - but we stick with this notation.

We then use \[ P(-z_{\alpha/2}\le Z_k \le z_{\alpha/2})=1-\alpha\] insert \(Z_k\) and solve for \(\beta_k\) to get \[ P(\hat{\beta}_k-z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})} \le \beta_k \le \hat{\beta}_k-z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})})=1-\alpha\]

A \((1-\alpha)\)% CI for \(\beta_k\) is when we insert numerical values for the upper and lower limits.

Q: We write \(a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})\). Why not \(a_{kk}(\hat{\beta}_{kk})\)?

Example with the beetle data

Again, we study our beetle data - in the grouped version.

Here we calculate the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval using the formula. Then, there is also an R function confint.glm that can be used. This function may give a slightly different answer to our calculations because here an extra “profiling” step is done to check the convergence of the glm, and to recalculate the estimated covariance matrix for the regression parameter estimate.

fitgrouped = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
coeff = fitgrouped$coefficients
sds = sqrt(diag(summary(fitgrouped)$cov.scaled))
alpha = 0.05
lower = coeff - qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * sds
upper = coeff + qnorm(1 - alpha/2) * sds
cbind(lower, upper)
##                 lower     upper
## (Intercept) -70.87144 -50.56347
## ldose        28.56265  39.97800
##                 2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -71.44263 -51.07902
## ldose        28.85403  40.30069

Q: Explain what is done in the R-print-out.

Hypothesis testing

There are three methods that are mainly used for testing hypotheses in GLMs - these are called Wald test, likelihood ratio test and score test. We will look at the first two.

First, look at linear hypotheses: We study a binary regression model with \(p=k+1\) covariates, and refer to this as model A (the larger model). As for the multiple linear model we then want to investigate the null and alternative hypotheses of the following type(s):

\[\begin{eqnarray*} H_0: \beta_{j}&=&0 \text{ vs. } H_1:\beta_j\neq 0\\ H_0: \beta_{1}&=&\beta_{2}=\beta_{3}=0 \text{ vs. } H_1:\text{ at least one of these }\neq 0\\ H_0: \beta_{1}&=&\beta_{2}=\cdots=\beta_{k}=0 \text{ vs. } H_1:\text{ at least one of these }\neq 0\\ \end{eqnarray*}\]

We call the restricted model (when the null hypotesis is true) model B, or the smaller model.

These null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses can all be rewritten as a linear hypothesis \[H_0: {\bf C}{\bf \beta}={\bf d} \text{ vs. } {\bf C}{\bf \beta}\neq {\bf d} \] by specifying \({\bf C}\) to be a \(r \times p\) matrix and \({\bf d}\) to be a column vector of length \(d\).

The Wald test

The Wald test statistic is given as: \[w=({\bf C}\hat{{\bf \beta}}-{\bf d})^{\text T}[{\bf C}F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}){\bf C}^{\text T}]^{-1}({\bf C}\hat{{\bf \beta}}-{\bf d}) \] and measures the distance between the estimate \({\bf C}\hat{\beta}\) and the value under then null hypothesis \({\bf d}\), weighted by the asymptotic covariance matrix of \({\bf C}\hat{\beta}\). Remember: \(\text{Cov}({\bf C}\hat{\beta})={\bf C}F^{-1}(\hat{\beta}){\bf C}^{\text T}\).

Asymptotically it is found that \(w\) under the null hypothesis follows a \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(r\) degrees of freedom (where \(r\) is the number of hypotheses tested). Why is that?

\(P\)-values are calculated in the upper tail of the \(\chi^2\)-distribution.

Observe: to perform the test you only need to fit the larger model (and not the smaller).

For the special case that we only test one regression parameter, for example \(\beta_k\): \[ H_0: \beta_k=0 \text{ vs. } H_1: \beta_k\neq 0.\] Now \({\bf C}\hat{\beta}=\beta_k\) and \({\bf C}[F(\hat{\beta})]^{-1}{\bf C}^{\text T}={\bf C}{\bf A}(\beta){\bf C}^{\text T}=a_{kk}(\beta)\), and the Wald test becomes \[ (\hat{\beta}_k-\beta_k)[a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})]^{-1}(\hat{\beta}_k-\beta_k)=\left(\frac{\hat{\beta}_k-\beta_k}{\sqrt{a_{kk}(\hat{\beta})}}\right)^2=Z_k^2\] so, asymptotically the square of the standard normal, which we know follows a \(\chi^2\)-distribution with 1 degree of freedom.

Q: Explain what you find in the columns named z value and Pr(>|z|) below, and which hypothesis tests these are related to. Are the hypothesis tests performed using the Wald test?

fitgrouped = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
## Call:
## glm(formula = cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.5941  -0.3944   0.8329   1.2592   1.5940  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  -60.717      5.181  -11.72   <2e-16 ***
## ldose         34.270      2.912   11.77   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 284.202  on 7  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  11.232  on 6  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 41.43
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

The likelihood ratio test

An alternative to the Wald test is the likelihood ratio test (LRT), which compares the likelihood of two models.

We stick with the notation of A: the larger model and B: the smaller model (under \(H_0\)), and the smaller model is nested within the larger model (that is, B is a submodel of A).

  • First we maximize the likelihood for model A (the larger model) and find the parameter estimate \(\hat{\beta}_A\). The maximum likelihood is achieved at this parameter estimate and is denoted \(L(\hat{\beta}_A)\).
  • Then we maximize the likelihood for model B (the smaller model) and find the parameter estimate \(\hat{\beta}_B\). The maximum likelihood is achieved at this parameter estimate and is denoted \(L(\hat{\beta}_B)\).

The likelihood of the larger model (A) will always be larger or equal to the likelihood of the smaller mode (B). Why? How is this compared to our result for SSE for small and large model in MLR?

The likelihood ratio statistic is defined as \[- 2\ln \lambda=-2(\ln L(\hat{\beta}_B)-\ln L(\hat{\beta}_A)) \] (so, \(-2\) times small minus large).

Under weak regularity conditions the test statistic is approximately \(\chi^2\)-distributed with degrees of freedom equal the difference in the number of parameters in the large and the small model. This is general - and not related to the GLM! More in TMA4295 Statistical Inference!

\(P\)-values are calculated in the upper tail of the \(\chi^2\)-distribution.

Observe: to perform the test you need to fit both the small and the large model.

Notice: asymptotically the Wald and likelihood ratio test statistics have the same distribution, but the value of the test statistics might be different. How different?

For the beetle data we compare model A=model with ldose as covariate with model B=model with only intercept. We use the loglikelihood-function that we made for the interactive session for week 2.

fitgrouped = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
fitnull = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)

loglik <- function(par, args) {
    y <- args$y
    x <- args$x
    n <- args$n
    res <- sum(y * x %*% par - n * log(1 + exp(x %*% par)))

# call this with parameters estimated under model A=larger model
beetleargs = list(y = investr::beetle$y, x = cbind(rep(1, nrow(investr::beetle)), 
    investr::beetle$ldose), n = investr::beetle$n)

llA = loglik(matrix(fitgrouped$coefficients, ncol = 1), args = beetleargs)

# then the smaller model, then we set the coeff for ldose to 0. B=smaller
# model
llB = loglik(matrix(c(fitnull$coefficients, 0), ncol = 1), args = beetleargs)
lrt = -2 * (llB - llA)
## [1] 272.9702
pchisq(lrt, df = 1)
## [1] 1
anova(fitgrouped, fitnull, test = "LRT")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose
## Model 2: cbind(y, n - y) ~ 1
##   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
## 1         6     11.232                          
## 2         7    284.202 -1  -272.97 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Q and A: Here the small model is the model with only intercept and the large is the one with dose as covariate. This means that the null hypothesis is that “the small model is preferred” and our \(p\)-value is very small, so we reject the null hyptheses and stick with the model with dose as covariate. Observe that the LRT can be performed using anova.


The deviance (new!) is used to assess model fit and also for model choice, and is based on the likelihood ratio test statistic. It is used for all GLMs in general - and replaces our use of SSE from the multiple linear regression.

The derivation assumes that data can be grouped into covariate patterns, with \(G\) groups and \(n_j\) observations in each group.

Saturated model: If we were to provide a perfect fit to our data then we would estimate \(\pi_j\) by the observed frequency for the group: \(\tilde{\pi}_j=\frac{y_j}{n_j}\). Then \(\tilde{\pi}\) is a \(G\)-dimensional column vector with the elements \(\tilde{\pi}_j\).

This “imaginary model” is called the saturated model. This would be a model where each group was given its own parameter.

Candidate model: The model that we are investigated can be thought of as a candidate model. Then we maximize the likelihood and get \(\hat{\beta}\) which through our linear predictor and link function we turn into estimates for each group \(\hat{\pi}_j\). Then \(\hat{\pi}\) is a \(G\)-dimensional column vector with the elements \(\hat{\pi}_j\).

The deviance is then defined as the likelihood ratio statistic, where we put the saturated model in place of the larger model A and our candidate model in place of the smaller model B:

\[D=-2(\ln L(\text{candidate model})-\ln L(\text{saturated model}))=-2(l(\hat{\pi})-l(\tilde{\pi}))= -2\sum_{j=1}^G(l_i(\hat{\pi}_j)-l_i(\tilde{\pi}_j))\]

For our logit model this can be written as (after some maths): \[ D=2\sum_{j=1}^G [y_j\ln(\frac{y_j}{n_j\hat{\pi}_j})+(n_j-y_j)\ln(\frac{n_j-y_j}{n_j-n_j\hat{\pi}_j})]\] Verify this by yourself.

The reasoning behind this is that if our model is good, it should not be too far from the saturated model, and we measure this distance by the deviance.

If we want to investigate the null hypothesis that “our model fits the data well” to the negation, it is useful to know that asymptotically \(D\) is distributed as \(\chi^2\) with \(G-p\) degrees of freedom (same reason as for the likelihood ratio test statistic).

The deviance is in summary.glm outputted as “Residual deviance”, which we read off as 11.2322311. Let’s check for our beetle example by computing the formula for \(D\) directly:

D = deviance(fitgrouped)
## [1] 11.23223
G = dim(investr::beetle)[1]
## [1] 8
p = 2
1 - pchisq(D, G - p)
## [1] 0.08145881

So, do we have a good fit?

In the summary from glm also the socaled NULL deviance is given. This is the deviance when the candicate model is the model with only intercept term present. This deviance asymptotically distributed as \(\chi^2\) with \(G-1\) degrees of freedom.

Analysis of deviance

In MLR we have seen that we may produce a sequential analysis of variance (Type I) by adding more and more terms to the model and comparing the scaled decrease in SSE by the scaled SSE of a full model.

For the binary regression we may adapt a similar strategy, but with using the scaled change in deviance instead of the SSE.

We use the infant respiratory disease data as an example

fit = glm(cbind(disease, nondisease) ~ sex * food, family = binomial(link = logit), 
    data = babyfood)
## Call:
## glm(formula = cbind(disease, nondisease) ~ sex * food, family = binomial(link = logit), 
##     data = babyfood)
## Deviance Residuals: 
## [1]  0  0  0  0  0  0
## Coefficients:
##                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)        -1.59899    0.12495 -12.797  < 2e-16 ***
## sexGirl            -0.34692    0.19855  -1.747 0.080591 .  
## foodBreast         -0.65342    0.19780  -3.303 0.000955 ***
## foodSuppl          -0.30860    0.27578  -1.119 0.263145    
## sexGirl:foodBreast -0.03742    0.31225  -0.120 0.904603    
## sexGirl:foodSuppl   0.31757    0.41397   0.767 0.443012    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 2.6375e+01  on 5  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 2.6401e-13  on 0  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 43.518
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3
anova(fit, test = "Chisq")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: binomial, link: logit
## Response: cbind(disease, nondisease)
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##          Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
## NULL                         5    26.3753              
## sex       1   5.4761         4    20.8992   0.01928 *  
## food      2  20.1772         2     0.7219 4.155e-05 ***
## sex:food  2   0.7219         0     0.0000   0.69701    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Q: is it recommended (from the test) to add an interaction term to the model? What does it mean that the Residual deviance is 0 for the sex*food model?

Deviance residuals

The deviance residuals are given by a signed version of each element in the sum for the deviance, that is \[d_k=\text{sign}(y_k-n_k\hat{\pi}_k)\cdot \left\{ 2[y_k\ln(\frac{y_k}{n_k\hat{\pi}_k})+(n_k-y_k)\ln(\frac{n_k-y_k}{n_k-n_k\hat{\pi}_k})]\right\}^{1/2}\] where the term \(\text{sign}(y_k-n_k\hat{\pi}_k)\) makes negative residuals possible.

Model Assessment and Model Choice

The fit of the model can be assessed based on goodness of fit statistics (and related tests) and by residual plots. Model choice can be made from analysis of deviance, or by comparing the AIC for different models.

Deviance test

We may use the deviance test presented before to test if the model under study is preferred compared to the saturated model.

Pearson test and residuals

An alternative to the deviance test is the Pearson test. We will look in more detail at this test in a Module 4. The Pearson test statistic can be written as a function of the Pearson residuals, which for the binomial regression is given as: \[ r_{j}=\frac{y_j-n_j\hat{\pi}_j}{\sqrt{n_j \hat{\pi}_j(1-\hat{\pi}_j)}}\] Remark: A standardized version scales the Pearson residuals with \(\sqrt{1-h_{kk}}\) similar to the standardized residuals for the normal model. Here \(h_{kk}\) is the diagonal element number \(k\) in the hat matrix \({\bf H}={\bf X}({\bf X}^T{\bf X})^{-1}{\bf X}^T\).

The Pearson \(\chi^2\)-goodness of fit statistic is given as \[ X_P^2=\sum_{j=1}^G r_j^2=\sum_{j=1}^G \frac{(y_j-n_j\hat{\pi}_j)^2}{n_j \hat{\pi}_j(1-\hat{\pi}_j)}\] The Pearson \(\chi^2\) statistic is asymptotically equivalent to the deviance statistic and thus is asymptotically \(\chi^2_{G-p}\).

The Pearson \(\chi^2\) statistic is not a good choice if any of the groups have a low expected number of observations, i.e. \(n_j \hat{\pi}_j\) is small (below 1).

Model assessment with continuous covariates

If data have continuous covariates it is possible to form groups based making intervals for continuous covariates. Alternatively grouping on predicted probabilites can be done.

Plotting residuals

Deviance and Pearson residuals can be used for checking the fit of the model, by plotting the residuals against fitted values and covariates.

If \(n_j\) is small for the covariate patterns the residual plots may be relatively uninformative.

Residual plots for the logistics regression - and for the GLM in general - is highly debated, and we will not put much emphasis on residual plots for this module.

df = data.frame(fitted = fitgrouped$fitted.values, dres = residuals(fitgrouped, 
    type = "deviance"), ldose = investr::beetle$ldose)
ggplot(df, aes(x = fitted, y = dres)) + geom_point()

ggplot(df, aes(x = ldose, y = dres)) + geom_point()

Other plots

A useful plot is to show observed and fitted proportions (grouped data) plotted against the linear predictor or covariates.

df = data.frame(fitted = fitgrouped$fitted.values, dres = residuals(fitgrouped, 
    type = "deviance"), ldose = investr::beetle$ldose, frac = investr::beetle$y/investr::beetle$n)
ggplot(df, aes(x = ldose)) + geom_point(aes(y = frac, colour = "observed")) + 
    geom_point(aes(y = fitted, colour = "fitted"))


It is known to us from multiple linear regression that if a model is chosen based on a goodness of fit statistic (like the SSE or \(R^2\) in multiple linear regression) will in general result in us choosing a to big model (to many parameters fit). The Akaike informations criterion - that we studied for mulitple linear regression - can also be used for binary regression: Let \(p\) be the number of regression parameters in our model. \[\text{AIC} =-2 \cdot l(\hat{\beta})+2p\] A scaled version of AIC, standardizing for sample size, is sometimes preferred.

We may also use the BIC, where \(2p\) is replaced by \(\log(G)\cdot p\) or \(\log(n)\cdot p\).

Overdispersion and estimating overdispersion parameter

When we have grouped data: \(Y_j \sim \text{Bin} (n_j, \pi_j)\) and Var\((Y_j) = n_j\pi_j(1-\pi_j)\).

It is possible to estimate the variance (within a group) by \(n_j\bar{y_j}(1-\bar{y_j})\) where \(\bar{y_j} = y_j/n_j\) (this is an estimate of \(\pi_j\) for griup \(j\)). We call this the empirical variance.

In a logistic regresson we estimate \(\hat{\pi}_j = h({\bf x}_j^T\hat{\beta})\) (\(h(\cdot)\) is the inverse link function) which is

\[\hat{\pi_j} = \frac{\exp(x_j^T \hat{\beta})}{1+\exp(x_j^T \hat{\beta})} \]

for a logistic regression. This would give the estimated binomial variance for \(Y_j\) as \(n_j\hat{\pi_j}(1-\hat{\pi_j})\).

Some times the empirical variance is much larger than the estimated binomial variance of the model. This is called overdispersion and may occur when the individual responses within the groups are correlated, or when the model could be improved upon (missing/unobserved covariates?).

Positively correlated binary variables will give a variance of the sum that is larger than for uncorrelated variables, e.g.

\[\text{Var}(\sum_{k=1}^K Y_k) = \sum_{k=1}^K\text{Var}(Y_k) + 2\sum_{k<l} \text{Cov}(Y_k, Y_l).\]

This can be handeled by including an overdispersion parameter, named \(\phi\), in the variance formula:

\[ \text{Var}(Y_j) = \phi n_j \pi_j (1-\pi_j)\]

The overdispersion parameter can be estimated as the average Pearson statistic or average deviance

\[\hat{\phi}_D = \frac{1}{G-p} D\]

where \(D\) is the deviance. Note that similarity to \(\hat{\sigma^2} = 1/(n-p)\cdot\text{SSE}\) in the MLR. The Cov\((\hat{\beta})\) can then be changed to \(\hat{\phi}F^{-1}(\hat{\beta})\).
Remark: We are now moving from likelihood to quasi-likelihood theory, where only E\((Y_j)\) and Var\((Y_j)\) - and not the distribution of \(Y_j\) - are used in the estimation.

In Modules 7 and 8 we will look at using multilevel models to handle correlated observations.

estpi = investr::beetle$y/investr::beetle$n
empvars = investr::beetle$n * estpi * (1 - estpi)
fit = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "binomial", data = investr::beetle)
modelestvar = investr::beetle$n * fit$fitted.values * (1 - fit$fitted.values)
cbind(empvars, modelestvar)
##     empvars modelestvar
## 1  5.389831    3.254850
## 2 10.183333    8.227364
## 3 12.774194   14.321308
## 4 14.000000   13.378891
## 5  9.079365   10.261038
## 6  5.389831    5.156652
## 7  0.983871    2.653383
## 8  0.000000    1.230704
## [1] 1.872039
fitquasi = glm(cbind(y, n - y) ~ ldose, family = "quasibinomial", data = investr::beetle)
# preferred method of estimation is to use quasilikelihood
## [1] 1.671141

Prospective vs. retrospective sampling (optional - useful if you will work within biostatistics)

(Motivated by Faraway (2006), Extending the linear model with R, Section 2.6.)

In a prospective sampling strategy we sample individuals from a population (covariates are then fixed) and wait for a predefined period to check if an event has happend (e.g. disease). This is also called a cohort study. An example might be that we select a sample of newborn babies (girls and boys) where the parents had decided on the method of feeding (bottle, breast, breast with some supplement), and then monitored the babies during their first year to see if they developed infant respiratory disease (the event we want to model). For rare events the sample may then include few individuals with success (disease), which might lead to wide confidence intervals for parameters.

An alternative strategy is called retrospective sampling. Here we have access to medical registers and select a sample of \(n_1\) babies where we know that they developed infant respiratory disease (the cases) and a sample of \(n_2\) babies where we know that they did not develop infant respiratory disease (the controls). We require that the samples are selected independently of the values of the covariates (here: sex and food=method of feeding). This is called a case–control study.

If we aim to model the relationship between the covariates and the response (here: infant respiratory disease) we would naturally by default choose the cohort design, however, we will now show that the case–control design is also a valid design if we use the logit model to analyse the data.

To illustrate this we use a data set from a prospective study,

##   disease nondisease  sex   food
## 1      77        381  Boy Bottle
## 2      19        128  Boy  Suppl
## 3      47        447  Boy Breast
## 4      48        336 Girl Bottle
## 5      16        111 Girl  Suppl
## 6      31        433 Girl Breast
xtabs(disease/(disease + nondisease) ~ sex + food, babyfood)
##       food
## sex        Bottle     Breast      Suppl
##   Boy  0.16812227 0.09514170 0.12925170
##   Girl 0.12500000 0.06681034 0.12598425

and for simplicity we focus on girls who were breast or bottle fed:

babyfood[c(4, 6), ]
##   disease nondisease  sex   food
## 4      48        336 Girl Bottle
## 6      31        433 Girl Breast

Notice - we now look at the observed data within the different covariate patterns. This would be the same as fitting a binomial glm with sex, food and the interaction thereof as covariates.

We read off: given that the infant is breast fed: 31/433= 0.07 is the estimated odds of respiratory disease, and the log-odds is -2.64. And, given that the infant is bottle fed: 48/336= 0.14 is the estimated odds of respiratory disease, and the log-odds is -1.95. The difference between these two log-odds represents the increased risk of infant respiratory disease caused by bottle feeding relative to breast feeding:

\(\Delta\)= -1.95- -2.64= 0.69.

But, what if we instead had performed a case–control study, and then wanted to compute the log odds difference between feeding type given respiratory disease status.

We read off: given that the infant got the disease (case): 48/31= 1.55 is the estimated odds for bottle compared to breast, and the log-odds is 0.44. Given that the infant did not get the disease (control): 336/433= 0.78 is the estimated odds for bottle compared to breast, and the log-odds is -0.25. The difference between these two log-odds represents the “increased risk” of bottle feeding relative to breast feeding “caused by respiratory disease”.

\(\Delta^*\)=0.44- -0.25=0.69.

Observe that \(\Delta\) and \(\Delta^*\) are equal, and shows (with a numerical example) why a retrospective design can be use to estimate change in log-odds. But, this argumentation is only valid for our logit model (where we estimate changes in odds), and not for the probit or complementary-log-log model.

We would like to use the retrospective case–control design instead of the prospective cohort design because it is more convenient to get a sample of cases on the same size as a sample of controls - which give us better properties of the parameter estimators. However, to use the case–control design it is important that covariates are reliably measured retrospective (rely on records).

In a mathematical comparison between logit models for pro- and retrospective designs we will find that the regression parameters \(\beta_1, \ldots, \beta_k\) will be the same in the two models, but the intercept terms will differ.

In the prospectictive study we model \(\pi_i\), the probability of sucess (e.g. respiratory disease) for covariates \(x_{i1}, x_{i2}, \ldots, x_{ik}\) (e.g. sex and food). Using the logit model in the proseptive study, the regression model is \[ \ln (\frac{\pi_i}{1-\pi_i}) = \eta_i = \beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1}+\beta_2 x_{i2}+\cdots + \beta_k x_{ik} \] and we write \[ \pi_i=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}.\]

In a retrospective study we consider \(\rho_i\), the probability of sucess for covariates \(x_{i1}, x_{i2}, \ldots, x_{ik}\), given that individual \(i\) was sampled to be part of the case-control study.

Let \(S\) denote the event ‘sampled’, and let \(D\) denote event ‘disease’ (or sucess). Then, using Bayes’ rule and the law of total probability, we have \[ \rho_i= P_i(D|S) = \frac{P_i(D \cap S)}{P_i(S)} = \frac{P_i(S|D)P_i(D)}{P_i(S|D)P_i(D) + P_i(S|D^c)P_i(D^c)} \] where \(P_i(D) = \pi_i\) and \(P_i(D^c) = 1-\pi_i\).

In the retrospective study, the probability of being sampled is equal for any individual with the disease; \(\tau_1 = P(S|D) = P_i(S|D)\) and similarly for individuals who do not have the disease; \(\tau_0 = P(S|D^c) = P_i(S|D^c)\). Then, \[ \rho_i= \frac{\tau_1 \pi_i}{\tau_1 \pi_i + \tau_0 (1-\pi_i)} = \frac{\tau_1 \frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}}{\tau_1 \frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)} + \tau_0 \frac{1}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}}\]

Dividing by \(\tau_0\) and multiplying by \(1+\exp(\eta_i)\) in the numerator and denominator gives \[ \rho_i= \frac{(\tau_1/\tau_0) \exp(\eta_i)}{(\tau_1/\tau_0) \exp(\eta_i) + 1} = \frac{\exp(\ln(\tau_1/\tau_0) + \eta_i)}{\exp(\ln(\tau_1/\tau_0) + \eta_i) + 1}\]

Using the logit model for \(\rho_i\) in the retrospective model, the regression model is \[ \ln (\frac{\rho_i}{1-\rho_i}) = \ln(\tau_1/\tau_0) + \eta_i = \ln(\tau_1/\tau_0) + \beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i1}+\beta_2 x_{i2}+\cdots + \beta_k x_{ik} \] We see that the only difference between the parameters of interest in the retrospective study and the parameters of interest in the prospective study is the intercept of the regression model. All other covariates are equal.

What is not covered - compared the multiple linear regression?

Last, but not least, if you compare the topics from the Module 2: MLR to the topics in this module, you might observe some differences- but also a few topics are missing here in Module 3. We have not talked so much about:

  • residuals, and qq- and residual plots for model fit, we have instead assessed model fit with the deviance statistic.
  • \(R^2\): many variants exists, but they all have their pros and cons and there is not one obvious best solution that has all the properties of \(R^2\) for the MLR.
  • did not talk so much about probit and c-log-log models, will get back to that later

Other topics missing?

Interactive session - third week

Theoretical questions - with and without use of R

We will use a data set on contraceptive use in Fiji (data from 1975). The data is to be analysed with “current use of contraceptive” as response and some (or all of) “age”, “level of education”, “desire for more children” as covariates

The data is available at with the following description:

  • Contraceptive use: yes (using) or no (notUsing)
  • age: categorical variable with 5 levels: “<25”, “25-29”, “30-39”, “40-49”
  • education: categorical variable with 2 levels giving highest level of education obtained: Lower and Upper
  • wantsMore: Desires more children: yes or no
ds = read.table("", header = TRUE)

We will study binary regression using the logit model, and we will work with grouped data.

Useful functions: qlogis(p) calculates the logit logit(p) = log(p/(1-p)) and the function plogis(x) is the inverse logit, that is exp(x)/(1-exp(x)).

The 4 problems can be solved in any order! You decide if you want to practice on maths, interpretation or R. You will not have time to finish all problems during the IL.

Problem 1: The null model - no covariates included.

(if you want to start with some maths - or maybe do this last?)

a) Fit the null model and call it fit0. Explain what you see.

fit0 = glm(cbind(using, notUsing) ~ 1, data = ds, family = binomial(link = logit))

When we only have an intercept in the model, the model matrix will be an \(n \times 1\)-matrix with only ones. Then \({\bf x}_j^T\beta=\beta_0\). The log-likelihood can be written as (let \(j=1,\ldots,G\))

\[\begin{align} l(\beta) &=\sum_{j=1}^G (y_j{\bf x}_j^T \beta - n_j \log(1+\exp({\bf x}_j^T\beta)))= \sum_{j=1}^G (y_j\beta_0 - n_j \log(1+\exp(\beta_0)))\\ &= \beta_0 \sum_{j=1}^G y_j - \log(1+\exp(\beta_0))\sum_{j=1}^G n_j =\beta_0 N_1 - \log(1+\exp(\beta_0))N \end{align}\]

where \(N_1=\sum_{j=1}^G y_j\) is the total number of successes and \(N=\sum_{j=1}^G n_j\) is the total number of trials (over all covariates patterns, that is, here the number of individuals in the data set). Also \(N_2=N-N_1\) is the total number of failures.

b) What is the relationship between your estimated coefficient and the proportion in the data set using contraception (\(N_1/N\))? (Hint 0: What would be your intuitive estimator for \(\pi\) (common to all groups). Hint 1: Find the derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to \(\beta_0\), and use this to find the MLE for \(\beta_0\). Hint 2: maybe easier to see what \(\hat{\pi}\) is, where \(\hat{\pi}=\frac{\exp{\hat{\beta}_0}}{1+\exp{\hat{\beta}_0}}\) (so plogis), and then \(\hat{\beta}_0=\text{logit}(\hat{\pi})\) (so qlogis). Hint 3: You can verify by using the estimate from glm.)

c) We know that the (asymptotic) estimated covariance matrix of the ML estimate is the inverse of the expected Fisher information matrix, here the matrix is only a scalar and the covariance matrix is just the variance. Find the mathematical expression for the estimated variance of our estimated intercept. (Hint 1: We have \(F(\beta) = \sum_{j=1}^G x_jx_j^T n_j \pi_j(1-\pi_j)\), and then insert \(x_j = 1\) and \(\pi_j(1-\pi_j)=\pi(1-\pi)\), and hopefully you found above that \(\hat{\pi}=N_1/N\) in our model with only intercept. Hint 2: \(\frac{N}{N_1 \cdot N_2}=\frac{1}{N_1}+\frac{1}{N_2}\) to make things prettier.)

d) What is the estimated (numerical value) standard deviation of the parameter estimate? Hint: vcov(fit0). Did your calculation above gives the same result?

e) What is the asymptotic distribution of the estimated regression coefficient? Use this to write down the formula for the 95% confidence interval for the intercept, and calculate the interval in R. Compare numerically to confint.default and confint.

f) Translate the 95% CI to probability scale (Hint: plogis is the inverse logit.)

Problem 2: We then study the effect of the covariate “wantsMore”

(a little less maths)

a) Fit a regression with wantsMore as covariate, and call this fit1. Explain what the estimated coefficient (\(\beta_1\)) means. Hint: Interpretation using odds – if `wantsMore´ goes from 0=no to 1=yes, then…

fit1 = glm(cbind(using, notUsing) ~ wantsMore, data = ds, family = binomial)

b) Is this covariate significant? Write down the null and alternative hypothesis to test. Then test using the Wald test - write down the formula yourself (see module pages). Use vcov(fit1) to access the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. What is the degrees of freedom for this test? Compare to the print-out from summary.

c) Alternatively, the likelihood ratio test can be used. In interactive session week 2 we wrote down a function for the log-likelihood for the grouped binomial model (see below). This does not calculate the log-likelihood with the normalizing constant, why is this not necessary for this exact use? Use this function in combination with the fit0 and fit1 objects to calculate the likelihood ratio statistic (see under likelihood ratio test on this module page for week 3). Then calculate the \(p\)-value.

d) The likelihood ratio test statistic can alternatively be calculated using the residual deviance in fit1 and fit0, and is given as fit0$deviance-fit1$deviance. Do you see why?

e) Are the two test statistics (Wald and LRT) equal? Do they give the same conclusions?

loglik <- function(par, args) {
    y <- args$y
    x <- args$x
    n <- args$n
    res <- sum(y * x %*% par - n * log(1 + exp(x %*% par)))
argeshere = list(y = ds$using, n = ds$using + ds$notUsing, x = cbind(rep(1, 
    nrow(ds)), as.numeric(ds$wantsMore) - 1))

loglik(matrix(c(fit0$coefficients, 0), ncol = 1), argeshere)
loglik(fit1$coefficients, argeshere)

Problem 3: Now two covariates - deviance and model comparison

(no maths - only definitions and print-out)

Now we study the response together with age and wantsMore. We will consider the following 5 models.

ds$Y <- cbind(ds$using, ds$notUsing)
models <- list(null = glm(Y ~ 1, family = binomial, data = ds), age = glm(Y ~ 
    age, family = binomial, data = ds), desire = glm(Y ~ wantsMore, family = binomial, 
    data = ds), additive = glm(Y ~ age + wantsMore, family = binomial, data = ds), 
    interact = glm(Y ~ age * wantsMore, family = binomial, data = ds))
lapply(models, summary)
data.frame(deviance = round(unlist(lapply(models, deviance)), 2), df = unlist(lapply(models, 
    df.residual)), aic = round(unlist(lapply(models, AIC))))

Note: The function lapply (list apply) will apply a function to each element of a list.

a) Explain what each of these models include.

b) What is the definition of the deviance and df. What can we use the deviance for?

c) Perform a likelihood ratio test - based on the deviance results given in the data frame in the R chunk- to compare the additive and interact models. First write down the null and alternative hypothesis you are testing. Which of the two models would you prefer?

Problem 4: Plotting

(yes, mainly R and trying to understand)

Finally, we want to use the additive model with all three covariates: Y~age+education+wantsMore to study different plots.

fit3add = glm(cbind(using, notUsing) ~ age + education + wantsMore, data = ds, 
    family = binomial)
## Call:
## glm(formula = cbind(using, notUsing) ~ age + education + wantsMore, 
##     family = binomial, data = ds)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.5148  -0.9376   0.2408   0.9822   1.7333  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   -0.4188     0.1401  -2.990 0.002786 ** 
## age30-39       0.5192     0.1478   3.513 0.000443 ***
## age40-49       0.7999     0.1993   4.012 6.01e-05 ***
## age<25        -0.3894     0.1759  -2.214 0.026809 *  
## educationlow  -0.3250     0.1240  -2.620 0.008789 ** 
## wantsMoreyes  -0.8330     0.1175  -7.091 1.33e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 165.772  on 15  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:  29.917  on 10  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 113.43
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
##  (Intercept)     age30-39     age40-49       age<25 educationlow 
##    0.6578105    1.6807361    2.2252234    0.6774757    0.7225312 
## wantsMoreyes 
##    0.4347628

a) Comment on the output from summary. Use the deviance to test if this is a good model. Which model do you then compare to (what is the saturated model here)?.

b) Plot fitted values vs. deviance residuals. Hint: fit3add$residual is by default the deviance residuals, or residuals(fit3add,type="deviance"). Do you see a treng?

c) Here is a code to produce a plot of fitted values for the 16 covariate patterns together with a saturated model (called frac) - on the logit scale. How can you see from the dots for fitted values that we are assuming an additive model on the logit scale (that is, the pattern for each panel for logit fitted vs age is the same for each panel if we have an additive model on the logit scale - you see that from the fitted points)? Do you also see that for the observed values? Implication? Any other observations?

frac = ds$using/(ds$using + ds$notUsing)
logitdf = data.frame(lfitted = qlogis(fit3add$fitted), lfrac = qlogis(frac), 
    age = ds$age, wantsMore = ds$wantsMore, education = ds$education)
ggplot(logitdf, aes(x = age)) + geom_point(aes(y = lfrac, colour = "saturated")) + 
    geom_point(aes(y = lfitted, colour = "fitted")) + facet_wrap(facets = ~wantsMore * 
    education) + labs(x = "age", y = "")

To see what Rodríguez have found to be the best model, look at the bottom of

Note: This exercise is based on the excellent notes of Germán Rodríguez at Princeton, see in particular the R logs at

Exam questions

December 2014

There are two main asymptotic results that are behind essentially everything we have done with respect to inference for generalized linear models. These are

  1. asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE), and

  2. asymptotic result for likelihood ratio tests (LRT).

State, describe and discuss the main assumptions behind these two asymptotic results, how these results are used in practice to do inference for parameters, testing various hypotheses and comparing nested models, for logistic regression.

December 2016

We will consider (binomial or binary) logistic regression, where we have independent observations \[Y_i \sim \text{Binomial}(n_i,\pi_i) \text{ } i=1,\ldots,n\] so that \[P(Y_i)=\binom{n_i}{y_i}\pi_i^{y_i}(1-\pi_i)^{n_i-y_i}, \text{ } y_i=0,1,\ldots, n_i\] The linear predictor is \[ \eta_i={\bf x}_i^T\beta\] and \[ \pi_i=\frac{\exp(\eta_i)}{1+\exp(\eta_i)}\] or \[ \text{logit}(\pi_i)=\eta_i.\] Here, \({\bf x}_i\) is a vector of the \(p\) covariates for the \(i\)th observation \(y_i\) with size (number of trials) \(n_i\), and \(\beta\) is the vector of \(p\) unknown regression coefficients.

Write an introduction to logistic regression and its practical usage, for a student with a good background in statistics, but no knowledge about Generalized Linear Models (GLM). Topics you may want to consider, are

  • When to use it? Underlying assumptions.
  • Parameter estimation, limiting results for the MLE, Fisher information and observed Fisher information, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
  • Output analysis, residual plots (when it is possible) and interpretation of the \(\beta\)-coefficients
  • Deviance and its usage.

\(\odot\) Further reading

  • A. J. Dobson and A. G. Barnett (2008): “An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models”, Third edition.
  • J. Faraway (2015): “Extending the Linear Model with R”, Second Edition.
  • P. McCullagh and J. A. Nelder (1989): “Generalized Linear Models”. Second edition.