TMA4315 Generalized Linear Models

Compulsory exercise 1: Linear models for Gaussian data

Deadline: Friday, September 22, 2017 at 16.00

To be handed in on Blackboard.

Students may work on the assignment in groups of two or three, and are also encouraged to collaborate across groups. Each group needs to hand in an R Markdown document with answers to the questions as well as all source code. Hand in the file as an R Markdown file (.rmd) and a pdf file (.pdf). Make sure that the .rmd compiles as both pdf and html before you hand it in. Include all code you have written in the mylm.R file in the end of your file (hint: use eval = FALSE in the chunk option).

Guidance by the teaching assistant (Ingeborg) will be given Tuesdays after 9 in her office (Central Building 2, 12th floor, office 1224). You can either just show up, or send an email to Ingeborg at to make sure she is available.

In this project you will create your own R-package to handle linear models for Gaussian data and use this package to analyse a dataset. You can find more information about the package system and classes in R at The text below describes how the package can be created using R-Studio since it makes it easy to rebuild and reload the package. The description is reasonably platform-independent, and should work on Windows, Mac and Linux. R-Studio is a useful integrated development environment (IDE) for R.


Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Install R and R-Studio if necessary (already installed on machines in Nullrommet and Banachrommet) (can be useful to update R if you do not have the latest version). Contact if you run into technical problems with your own computer.
  2. Start R-Studio
  3. Select File–New Project
  4. Select create project from New Directory
  5. Select project type R Package
  6. Give the package the name mylm
  7. Select the desired directory in the field Create project as subdirectory of
  8. Select Create Project

This will create the required folder structure and minimum files required for an R-package. The project folder mylm will be a subfolder of the directory chosen. The file “DESCRIPTION” contains a description of the package and you can change it with your information. The folder “man” will contain documentation for your package and can be ignored for now. The folder of interest is “R”, which contains the source code for your package.

Each time you make a change to the source code of the package, you must compile it (in R-studio this is called build) again and load the library in your R-session. In R-Studio this can be done by

  • Select Build–Build and Reload. Build is a window pane in the upper right part of the standard Rstudio set-up (together with Environment and History).

Save the file in your folder *mylm/R/ (replace if such a file already exists). Remember that you need to rebuild the package in R-Studio before it will be available in your R-session. When you write source code that uses the functions in your package, you will first need to load the package with library(mylm).

The next time you start R-studio you may have to select File–Open Project and select the file mylm.Rproj in the folder mylm to use R-studio to build the package.

Part 1: Explanatory analysis of the dataset (0.5 points)

Before you start working on your mylm package you will study a dataset using the already available lm class in R. (So, for this part your mylm package is not needed.)

The dataset we will work on is from Canada, and consists of 3987 observations on the following 5 variables:

  • wages, composite hourly wage rate from all jobs
  • education, number of years in schooling
  • age, in years
  • sex, Male or Female
  • language, English, French or Other

The dataset is available in the library car in R, but with missing data. The following command will store the data as a dataframe called SLID, and then remove all rows containing missing data.

data(SLID, package = "car")
SLID <- SLID[complete.cases(SLID), ]

Draw a scatter plot matrix of all the variables and comment briefly on the relationship between some of the variables.
Hint: The function ggpairs (from the GGally library) makes a scatter plot matrix using the ggplot functionality.

We want to study how the qualitative variable wages depends on one or more explanatory variables. Which assumptions do we need make about the data if we want to perform a multiple linear regression analysis?

Part 2: Linear regression with the mylm package (3.5 points)

You can use asymptotic expressions for all the tests. This means that instead of the exact \(t_{\nu}\)-test you can use the asymptotic \(z\)-test, and instead of the exact \(F_{r,m}\)-test you can use the asymptotic \(\chi_{m}^2\)-test (but test statistic scaled with \(r\), details below). The lm function in R uses the exact (not asymptotic) tests, but later in this course we will use models that need the asymptotic tests (for the binary regression, the Poission regression, …). That is why you will use them already here. The asymptotic expressions are valid when the number of observations is large.

Your mylm-package must be able to

  1. calculate the estimates of the regression coefficients, and the estimated covariance matrix of the paramters estimates
  2. calculate the standard error and \(z\)-test for each estimated coefficient
  3. calculate the fitted values and the residuals
  4. calculate the residual sum of squares (SSE) and degrees of freedom
  5. calculate the analysis of variance table
  6. calculate the coefficient of determination (\(R^2\))

Note that you will be creating a class called mylm in this exercise. That is why all function names end with “.mylm”. You do NOT need to include “.mylm” when using the functions, as R detects the class of the object you are giving to the function. This will hopefully become more clear during the exercise, the important thing for now is that you are aware that you are creating a new class, called mylm.

If you are not familiar with lists in R, might be to some help before you begin.

Please include the statistical formulas and theory you have used to write the content of the functions in your mylm package.

a) (1 points)

Fill-in the missing parts in the mylm function in your mylm package required to calculate the estimates of the coefficients. Fit a simple linear regression model to the data with wages as the response and education as predictor to check if the function works.

The commands

model1 <- mylm(wages ~ education, data = SLID)


model1b <- lm(wages ~ education, data = SLID)

should give the same coefficient values. The function mylm returns an object of class mylm (this is already in the code). You will have to implement a print.mylm function in your package.
Hint 1: See ?lm for help.
Hint 2: The functions print.default, cat, and format will be helpful when you are printing results. The two former are printing numbers and text, while the latter can control the number of digits, the spacing between entries and more.
Hint 3: The function browser in R can be used for debugging.

Note that you do not have to spend much time on how the outputs are printed, as long as you and others that are using your functions can understand the output. Making a pretty output will not substantially increase your statistical learning.

b) (1 points)

Develop the mylm function further, so it can calculate the estimated covariance matrix for the parameter estimates.

What are the estimates and standard errors of the intercept and regression coefficient for this model? Test the significance of the regression coefficient using a \(z\)-test. What is the interpretation of the parameter estimates?

Fill-in the missing parts in summary.mylm such that


gives a similar table of tests of significance as summary used on an lm object. Note that the results will not be the same since lm uses a \(t\)-test, and you should use a \(z\)-test in mylm. Hint: To calculate two-sided p-values remember the standard normal distribution is symmetric around 0.

c) (0.5 points)

Implement a plot function for the mylm class (called plot.mylm) that makes a scatter plot with fitted value on the \(x\)-axis and residuals on the \(y\)-axis (the raw residuals). This function shall use the ggplot functionality from the library ggplot2! Use the function to plot the observed values versus the residuals for this model. (Don’t make this too complicated.)

d) (0.5 points)

After a scaling, the \(\chi^2\)-distribution is the limiting distribution of an \(F\)-distribution as the denominator degrees of freedom goes to infinity. The normalization is \(\chi^2 =\) (numerator degrees of freedom)\(\cdot F\).

  • What is the residual sum of squares (SSE) and the degrees of freedom for this model?
  • What is total sum of squares (SST) for this model? Test the significance of the regression using a \(\chi^2\)-test.
  • What is the relationship between the \(\chi^2\)- and \(z\)-statistic? Find the critical values for both tests.

Fill-in the missing parts in the function anova.mylm so that it shows the results in a similar way as the anova function on an object from lm. Note that your values differ from the ANOVA table produced by lm, as you use the \(\chi^2\)-test instead of the \(F\)-test used by lm. You shall use the same ANOVA type as lm, i.e., a sequential ANOVA, also called type I ANOVA. Type II and III also exists, but we do not consider them in this exercise.

e) (0.25 points)

What is the “coefficient of determination” (\(R^2\)) for this model and how do you interpret this value?
Modify the function summary.mylm so that it shows this value.

f) (0.25 points)

What is the Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient for this model and how do you interpret this value?

Part 3: Multiple linear regression (2 points)

a) (1 points)

Make any changes necessary to make the function mylm and print.mylm work also for multiple linear regression. Fit a linear regression model to the data with wages as the response with education and age as predictors.
You can regress a variable y on x1 and x2 from the data frame myframe with

model2 <- mylm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = myframe)

b) (0.5 points)

What are the estimates and standard errors of the intercepts and regression coefficients for this model? Test the significance of the coefficients using a \(z\)-test. What is the interpretation of the parameters?
Make any changes necessary to make the function summary.mylm work also for multiple linear regression.

c) (0.5 points)

The estimated effect of education and of age on wages can be modelled in two simple linear regressions (one model with only age as covariate and one with only eduacation) or a multiple linear regression (both covariates in the model). Why (and when) does the parameter estimates found (the two simple and the one multiple) differ? Explain/show how you can use mylm to find these values.

Part 4: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) (2 points)

Use your mylm package to solve this problem.

Until now, you have not been asked to think about how the model matrix is created. The default in both lm and your mylm is using dummy variable coding (treatment) for the categorical variables. In this part, you will use both dummy variable and effect coding (sum to zero). The following code specifies how the model matrix is created for mylm, and should work for you:

# treatment (default, does not need specification, 
# so the next two lines should give the same results)
model3a <- mylm(wages ~ sex + language, data = SLID)
model3a <- mylm(wages ~ sex + language, data = SLID, 
                   contrasts = list(language = "contr.treatment", 
                                    sex = "contr.treatment"))

# sum to zero, need to be specified
model3b <- mylm(wages ~ sex + language, data = SLID, 
                   contrasts = list(language = "contr.sum", 
                                    sex = "contr.sum"))

To see how the model matrix looks like in the two cases, you must add it to the returned elements from mylm.

a) (2/3 points)

Fit a linear regression model to the data with wages as the response with sex and language as covariates. What are the estimate and standard error of the intercept and effects of factors for this model? Test the significance of the factors using a \(z\)-test. What is the interpretation of the parameters?

Do this for both dummy variable and effect coding, and comment briefly on the main differences (e.g., do the parameter estimates or the fitted values change?). Notice how the model matrix changes in the two cases.

b) (2/3 points)

You might have to make changes to the anova.mylm function in your package to handle multiple predictors. You should still use sequential ANOVA, as before.

Do a sequential anova of the model from 4a), with both dummy variable and effect coding. Comment on the results. Why are the commands

anova(mylm(wages ~ sex + language, data = SLID))


anova(mylm(wages ~ language + sex, data = SLID))

giving different results? What does this tell us about the data? (Hint:

c) (2/3 points)

Do this exercise using both dummy variable coding and effect coding, comment briefly on the differences.

Fit a model with wages as response, and sex and age as covariates. Also add an interaction term. To add interactions between variables x1 and x2, write x1*x2 in the formula. What is now the interpretation of the parameters, and especially the interaction term?

Test whether regression coefficients have a common slope or not. Plot the regression lines for the different values of sex in the same plot, and perform the test using the plot (use ggplot). Describe the graph. What is the conclusion? How can the test be performed without graphs? Does that give the same conclusion?

Part 5: Testing the mylm package (2 points)

Now your mylm package should be able to do regression on any linear model. Confirm this by fitting models with wages as response, and the following predictors:

  • sex, age, language and education^2 (see the function I() to include functions of variables in the formula. This gives the same results as if you transform the data before fitting the models, but is simpler)
  • language and age with an interaction term between the predictors
  • education and no intercept (you can remove the intercept by adding -1 to the formula. Note that \(R^2\) is not defined when the intercept is removed from the model, so your \(R^2\) will probably differ from that of lm. Ignore this, and use other diagnostics to evaluate the model.)

Based on the results from each model, write a few sentences about the interpretation and significance of the parameters, and mention one small change that could make the model better. Use dummy variable coding.