Module 1: get to know each other game

1) Question

2) Place on axis

3) Choose 1-2 persons

4) Name-study programme- why placed on axis

Cat or dog person?

  • Mainly cat-person: over at door (1)
  • Mainly dog-person: at window (10)

Inbetween - axis!

Camel case or snake case?

  • Mainly camel case: over at door (1)

writing compound words such that each word in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital letter, with no intervening spaces or punctuation. “iPhone”, “eBay”, “FedEx”, “DreamWorks”, and “HarperCollins”.

  • Mainly snake case: at window (10)

writing compound words where the elements are separated with one underscore character (_) and no spaces, with each element's initial letter usually lowercased within the compound and the first letter either upper- or lowercaseas in “foo_bar” and “Hello_world”.

I want to show you a new data set. Do you prefer graphical display or summary?

  • Mainly graphical display: over at door (1)

  • Mainly summary: at window (10)

Write a vector in your notes: boldface or arrow above

  • Mainly boldface: over at door (1)

  • Mainly arrow above: at window (10)

As with ordinary letters - in the middle. (5)

Transpose a vector: T or hyphen (fnutt)

  • Mainly T: over at door (1)

  • Mainly hyphen: at window (10)

Other: in the middle.

I serve light refreshments: cake/vafler or fruits?

  • Mainly cake/vafler: over at door (1)

  • Mainly fruits: at window (10)