====================================================================== TeXPower bundle Installation instructions. This file last changed on May 15, 2003 ====================================================================== This instruction assumes that your TeX distribution follows TDS [1]. Popular distributions known to follow TDS are: - teTeX: Unix, Linux and releated OS. - fpTeX: Windows - MiKTeX: Windows The TeXLive CD also follows TDS of course. Installing the TeXPower bundle is very easy: 1) Rename/move the doc directory to $LOCALTEXMF/doc/latex/texpower 2) Move all the files in this directory and the addons directory into $LOCALTEXMF/tex/latex/texpower. (If you want to use the contributed files too, move the contrib directory too.) 4) Refresh the filename database - run "mktexlsr" for teTeX/fpTeX and "initexmf -u" for MiKTeX [2]. Replace "$LOCALTEXMF" with the path to your local texmf tree. If you don't have a local texmf tree, you may of course install in the system texmf tree. However, then you may loose TeXPower when upgrading your TeX distribution. -- [1] TDS - TeX Directory Structure - http://www.tug.org/tds/ [2] You can also update the filename database from MiKTeX Options.