Summer School 2001:
Homological conjectures for finite dimensional algebras

Summer Schools: Financial Support of Young Researchers

The Summer Schools are organized with the support of the TMR Programme of the European Commission. The TMR Programme stands for Training and Mobility of Researchers, this is a Training programme even though at the most advanced level (that of postdoctoral and young scientific researchers). Summer Schools are planned as high-level meetings with a strong emphasis on the participation of young researchers.

The TMR Programme provides financial support to selected young researchers and post-graduate students to enable them to attend the Summer Schools. The support may cover the travel costs, the subsistence expenses during the conference, as well as the registration fee. Usually, not all costs can be covered; all the participants will have to pay at least part of the registration fee.

Application must be made to the conference organizers (not to the European Commission).

Support is limited to citizens of the EU and of Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Israel. For young researchers of EU currently living outside the area, travel expenses can be paid only from their place of origin or last place of work inside the EU (and similarly, for citizens of Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Israel).

There may be limited support for people from East Europe. Please contact the organizers for further details.

In order to apply for financial support, the following information has to be sent to the organizers:

  • Name, Firstname
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • University/Company
  • Address
  • Telefon number, if possible fax number
  • First university degree date, discipline
  • Institution of graduation
  • Brief curriculum vitae since graduation
  • Current or projected research activities and motives for wishing to attend the Summer School
  • (Optional) Comments on benefit of participation from Supervisor, or Department Head.

Here is a form which may be used when applying for financial support.

Remark: The selected researchers may not benefit, for any given expense in connection with participation, from TMR funding at the same time as from any other source. It is however allowable for different expenses to be funded from different sources (e.g. registration fee from one source and travel from TMR).


* * NTNU
* Fakultet
* Institutt
Ansvarligfor innhold: Informasjonsdirektøren, NTNU
Teknisk ansvarlig: Webmaster
Oppdatert: 25.5.00