Summer School 2001:
Homological conjectures for finite dimensional algebras

Preliminary abstract for the talks of Bernhard Keller

In these lectures, we will define and study the unbounded derived category of the module category of an algebra. We will study its compactly generated (and, if time permits, its smashing) subcategories following Ravenel-Neeman (resp. Krause). In recent joint work, Beligiannis-Reiten have established a close link between this circle of ideas and the homological conjectures. Our aim will be to explain their results.

BACK TO the program of the second part
* * NTNU
* Fakultet
* Institutt
Ansvarligfor innhold: Informasjonsdirektøren, NTNU
Teknisk ansvarlig: Webmaster
Oppdatert: 25.5.00