Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics Department of Mathematical Sciences

Preprint Series: Statistics, 2002.

No. 1/2002:
Håvard Rue, Turid Follestad:
GMRFLib: a C-library for fast and exact simulation of Gaussian Markov random fields
No. 2/2002:
Jo Eidsvik, Tapan Mukerji, Henning Omre, Per Avseth, Gary Mavko:
Seismic reservoir prediction using Bayesian integration of rock physics and Markov random field models. A North Sea example
No. 3/2002:
Jo Eidsvik, Tapan Mukerji, Paul Switzer:
Estimation of Geological Attributes from a North Sea well log : an application of Hidden Markov chains.
No. 4/2002:
Arvid Næss:
'The Mean Rate of Level Crossings of a Stochastic Process expressed in terms of a Characteristic Function' .
No. 5/2002:
Håkon Tjelmeland, Jo Eidsvik:
On the use of local optimisations within Metropolis-Hastings (ps, pdf)
No. 6/2002:
Odd Kolbjørnsen:
"Fundamentals of inverse problems" (ps.gz, pdf)
No. 7/2002:
Odd Kolbjørnsen:
"Geostatistical approach to event migration of seismic reflection times" (ps.gz, pdf)
No. 8/2002:
Odd Kolbjørnsen:
"Case specific uncertainty assessment in cross well tomography" (ps.gz, pdf)
No. 9/2002:
Odd Kolbjørnsen:
"Cauchy prior for Bayesian linearized seismic AVO inversion" (ps.gz, pdf)
No. 10/2002:
Helge Langseth and Bo Henry Lindqvist:
A maintenance model for components exposed to several failure mechanisms and imperfect repair (ps, pdf)
No. 11/2002:
Bo Henry Lindqvist:
Bounds for the reliability of multistate systems with partially ordered state spaces and stochastically monotone Markov transitions. (ps, pdf))

Editor: Trond Digernes    Contact: Webmaster    Last updated: 2002-10-09